Let cd(G)cd(G) be the set of all irreducible complex characters of a finite group GG. In [K. Aziziheris, Determining group structure from sets of irreducible character degrees, J. Algebra323 (2010) 1765–1782], we proved that if mm and nn are relatively prime integers greater than 11, pp is prime not dividing mnmn, and GG is a solvable group such that cd(G)={1,p,n,m,pn,pm}cd(G)={1,p,n,m,pn,pm}, then under some conditions on p,m,p,m, and nn, the group G=A×BG=A×B is the direct product of two normal subgroups, where cd(A)={1,p}cd(A)={1,p} and cd(B)={1,n,m}cd(B)={1,n,m}. In this paper, we replace pp by uu, where u>1u>1 is an arbitrary positive integer, and we obtain similar result. As an application, we show that if GG is a finite group with cd(G)={1,21,13,55,273,1155}cd(G)={1,21,13,55,273,1155} or cd(G)={1,15,391,58,5865,870}cd(G)={1,15,391,58,5865,870}, then GG is a direct product of two non-abelian normal subgroups.