Gauge-invariant perturbation theory is an extension of ordinary perturbation theory which describes strictly gauge-invariant states in theories with a Brout–Englert–Higgs effect. Such gauge-invariant states are composite operators which have necessarily only global quantum numbers. As a consequence, flavor is exchanged for custodial quantum numbers in the Standard Model, recreating the fermion spectrum in the process. Here, we study the implications of such a description, possibly also for the generation structure of the Standard Model.
In particular, this implies that scattering processes are essentially bound-state–bound-state interactions, and require a suitable description. We analyze the implications for the pair-production process e+e−→ˉff at a linear collider to leading order. We show how ordinary perturbation theory is recovered as the leading contribution. Using a PDF-type language, we also assess the impact of sub-leading contributions. To lowest order, we find that the result is mainly influenced by how large the contribution of the Higgs at large x is. This gives an interesting, possibly experimentally testable, scenario for the formal field theory underlying the electroweak sector of the Standard Model.