We discuss the important determinants requires to develop green patents, which eventually reinforce green growth. The theoretical framework examined four elements, the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs), research and development (R&D) expenditures, market size and environmental taxations. We empirically test the green patent data to test the interrelationship of green patents representing the green innovations and IPR, R&D expenditures, market size and environmental taxations. Keeping in view the availability of the data we studied 11 developed countries, which are Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Finland, Germany, Sweden, U.K and U.S. The panel data can better handled the technological change rather than the pure cross section or pure time series data. Therefore, this study used the Pooled Least Square estimation techniques like Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and random effect model (REM) for both balance period of 1995–2010 and unbalanced period from 1995–2010. We only interpreted the balance period results depicting the enforcement of IPRs has negative and significant impact on green patents while the R&D expenditures, market size and environmental taxations has positive and significant impact on the green patents e.g. development of green innovations. We believe that the enforcement of explanatory variables will eventually acquire green growth.