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ACCULINNA-2 is a newly assembled fragment separator at Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia. As a first experiment, 6He-d elastic and inelastic scattering as well as other reactions have been measured in inverse kinematics at 26 AMeV with beam intensity of ≈105 pps. Angular distributions for elastic and inelastic scattering were obtained for a range of 25 - 130 CM degrees. Preliminary data analysis for elastic scattering as well as isotope identification based on angular correlations between reaction products is presented.
Commissioning of the new fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 at FLNR JINR is accomplished. The separator is destined to expand the possibilities in studies of dripline nuclei performed with the exotic secondary radioactive ion beams (RIBs) at energies of 5 – 50 AMeV. The projected high transmission and purification level were confirmed experimentally for a number of RIBs in last two years. The ACCULINNA-2 setup will become a backbone facility at FLNR for the research in the field of light exotic nuclei. This report shows the current status of the separator, describes the obtained RIB’s parameters and first experiments as well, provides the overview of the developing detection, monitoring and control subsystems.
Radioactive ion beams (RIBs) offer a way to obtain moderately excited nuclei with atomic numbers Z≥100 produced in the multi-nucleon transfer reactions. The choice of suitable RIBs available from the ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator, coupled with the U-400 cyclotron, and possible results of relevant experiments are discussed.
The systematic study of fission fragment yields under different initial conditions provides a valuable experimental benchmark for fission models that aim to understand this complex decay channel and to predict reaction product yields. Inverse kinematics coupled to the use of a high-resolution spectrometer is shown to be a powerful tool to identify and measure the inclusive isotopic yields of fission fragments. In-flight fusion-fission was used to produce secondary beams of neutron-rich isotopes in the collision of a 238U beam at 24 MeV/u with 9Be and 12C targets at GANIL using the LISE3 fragment-separator. Unique A,Z,q identification of fission products was attained with the dE-TKE-Bρ-ToF measurement technique. Mass, and atomic number distributions are reported for the two reactions that show the importance of different reaction mechanisms for these two targets.
The superconducting fragment separator (Super-FRS) will be one of the main scientific instruments of the future FAIR facility. This versatile high-resolution spectrometer allows for a variety of exciting experiments in atomic, nuclear and hadron physics. Future directions are presented in this contribution.