We consider knot theories possessing parity: each crossing is decreed odd or even according to some universal rule. If this rule satisfies some simple axioms concerning the behaviour under Reidemeister moves, then this leads to a possibility of constructing new invariants and proving minimality and non-triviality theorems for knots from these classes, and constructing maps from knots to knots.
Our main example is virtual knot theory and its simplification, free knot theory. By using Gauss diagrams, we show the existence of non-trivial free knots (counterexample to Turaev's conjecture) and construct simple yet deep invariants that rely on parity. Some invariants are valued in graph-like objects and some other are valued in groups.
We discuss applications of parity to virtual knots and ways of extending well-known invariants.
The existence of a non-trivial parity for classical knots remains an open problem.