Let 𝔽q[t] be the polynomial ring over the finite field 𝔽q of q elements. For a natural number N, let 𝔾N be the set of all polynomials in 𝔽q[t] of degree less than N. Let h be a quadratic polynomial over 𝔽q[t]. Suppose that h is intersective, that is, which satisfies (A−A)∩(h(𝔽q[t])∖{0})≠∅ for any A⊆𝔽q[t] with limsupN→∞|A∩𝔾N|/qN>0, where A−A denotes the difference set of A. Let B⊆𝔾N. Suppose that (B−B)∩(h(𝔽q[t])∖{0})=∅ and that the characteristic of 𝔽q is not divisible by 2. It is proved that |B|≤CN−clogloglogNqN for any 0<c<1/log3, where C≥1 is a constant depending only on q,h and c.