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  • articleNo Access

    Test of space–time noncommutativity at the future circular collider

    The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a crucial step forward to study new physics beyond the standard model and to test fundamental aspects as space–time minimal length and Lorentz violations. As an example, a possible enhancement of e+e pair production due to noncommutative effects, catalyzed by the huge magnetic field produced at the beginning of a heavy-ion collision at FCC, is discussed. In noncommutative electrodynamics, a free photon in the magnetic background can produce a e+e pair. In particular, for hard photons with transverse energy 100–600 GeV at the beginning of the collision and for a particular kinematical setting of the pair, i.e. large total transverse momentum in the reaction plane and invariant mass in the range 200–400 MeV, the noncommutative contribution, evaluated with the present bound of the noncommutativity fundamental area, can be significant. Other, more exotic, possible signatures of space–time noncommutativity are also considered.

  • articleNo Access

    Feasibility study of TPC detector at high luminosity Z pole on the circular collider

    With the development of the circular collider, it is necessary to make accurate physics experimental measurements of particle properties at higher luminosity Z pole. Micro-pattern gaseous detectors (MPGDs), which contain gaseous electron multiplier (GEM) and micro-mesh gaseous structures (Micromegas), have excellent potential for development as the readout devices of the time projection chamber (TPC) tracker detector. To meet the updated physics requirements of the high luminosity Z from the preliminary concept design report (preCDR) to concept design report (CDR) at the circular electron–positron collider (CEPC). In this paper, the space charge distortion of the TPC detector is simulated with the CEPC beam structure. Using the multi-physics simulation software package, the distribution of ion estimated by Geant4 is used as the input for the differential equation, and the relationship between the ion density distribution and electric field in the detector chamber is simulated. These simulation results show that the maximum deviation for Higgs 𝒪(25μm) meets the performance requirements in CEPC TPC detector at the high luminosity Z pole, while it is still a considerable challenge for Z pole, with the maximum deviation 𝒪(>100μm). According to the previous developments, the cascaded structure of GEM and Micromegas detector has been measured. The new considerations of the detector’s requirements were given, the gain needs to be reached to about 2000 with IBF×Gain under 0.1, and IBF means the ions back flow ratio of the detector. The pixel TPC is a potential option to replace the traditional MPGDs with the low gain, low occupancy, and outstanding pattern recognition. Finally, some update parameters and experiments results were compared.

  • articleNo Access

    Status and prospects of TPC module and prototype at high luminosity Z physics on CEPC

    The Circular Electron–Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed as a Higgs and high luminosity Z factory for the last few years in China. To achieve the high precision physical goals at CEPC, the high resolution (<100μm) tracker for the particle track reconstruction and particle identification are demanded. Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is one of the main concept proposal of the central tracker detector in very large 3D volume, it has an excellent performance on the moment measurement, dEdx measurement and the spatial resolution. The simulation results were given when the TPC detector will operate at the high luminosity Z pole at the future e+e circular collider. The pixelated readout TPC is a potential option to replace the traditional pad readout with the low gain, low occupancy, and outstanding pattern recognition. In the last several years, a TPC module, the readout electronics and prototype for the specific requirements have been developed at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). TPC module will could suppress the ions in chamber continuously running in the different gains (2000–5000) under T2K mixture gases. A TPC prototype with 200mm×200mm active area G detector module integrated the narrow 266nm UV laser tracks along the drift length of 500mm, and the low power consumption (<5mWch) Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) chip including analog to digital converter (ADC) function has been developed too. The update results of the spatial resolution has been obtained after some experimental studies have been done by the TPC prototype.