In this paper, we introduce some types of (∈,∈∨qkδ)(∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy filters of BL-algebras by applying the (δ,k)-quasi-coincident relation. By using a level subset of a fuzzy set in a BL-algebra, we study some characterizations of these generalized fuzzy filters and investigate several properties of (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy filters of BL-algebras. Further, we explore the relationships among (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy filters and other types of (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy filters and it is proved that every (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy Boolean (implicative) filter is a (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy positive implicative filter and (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy fantastic filter, but the converse may not be true. Furthermore, we establish the conditions under which an (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy positive implicative filter is an (∈,∈∨qkδ)-fuzzy Boolean (implicative) filter.