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In the framework of perturbative quantum field theory (QFT) we propose a new, universal (re)normalization condition (called 'master Ward identity') which expresses the symmetries of the underlying classical theory. It implies for example the field equations, energy-momentum, charge- and ghost-number conservation, renormalized equal-time commutation relations and BRST-symmetry.
It seems that the master Ward identity can nearly always be satisfied, the only exceptions we know are the usual anomalies. We prove the compatibility of the master Ward identity with the other (re)normalization conditions of causal perturbation theory, and for pure massive theories we show that the 'central solution' of Epstein and Glaser fulfills the master Ward identity, if the UV-scaling behavior of its individual terms is not relatively lowered.
Application of the master Ward identity to the BRST-current of non-Abelian gauge theories generates an identity (called 'master BRST-identity') which contains the information which is needed for a local construction of the algebra of observables, i.e. the elimination of the unphysical fields and the construction of physical states in the presence of an adiabatically switched off interaction.
The relation between BRST cohomology and the N = 1 supersymmetric Yang–Mills action in four dimensions is discussed. In particular, it is shown that both off- and on-shell N = 1 SYM actions are related to a lower-dimensional field polynomial by solving the descent equations, which is obtained from the cohomological analysis of linearized Slavnov–Taylor operator ℬ, in the framework of algebraic renormalization. Furthermore we show that off- and on-shell solutions differ only by a ℬ-exact term, which is a consequence of the fact that the cohomology of both cases are the same.
The (2+1)-dimensional gauged O(3) nonlinear sigma model with Chern–Simons term is canonically quantized. Furthermore, we study a nonminimal coupling in this model implemented by means of a Pauli-type term. It is shown that the set of constraints of the model is modified by the introduction of the Pauli coupling. Moreover, we found that the quantum commutator relations in the nominimal case is independent of the Chern–Simons coefficient, in contrast to the minimal one.
We study the regularization ambiguities in an exact renormalized (1 +1)-dimensional field theory. We show a relation between the regularization ambiguities and the coupling parameters of the theory as well as their role in the implementation of a local gauge symmetry at quantum level.
It is pointed out (not for the first time) that the minimal Standard Model, without additional gauge-singlet right-handed neutrinos or isotriplet Higgs fields, allows for nonvanishing neutrino masses and mixing. The required interaction term is non-renormalizable and violates B-L conservation. The ultimate explanation of this interaction term may or may not rely on grand unification.
Electroweak observables are highly sensitive to the loop corrections. Therefore, a proper gauge-fixing mechanism is always needed to define the propagators which are involved in Feynman loop amplitude. With this spirit, we compute gauge-fixing mechanism in five-dimensional (5D) universal extra-dimensional (UED) model with boundary localized terms (BLTs). These BLTs are not 5D operators in four-dimensional (4D) effective theory but some sort of boundary conditions on the respective fields at the fixed points of S1/Z2 orbifold. Furthermore, these BLTs nontrivially modify the Kaluza–Klein (KK) spectra and some of the interactions among the KK-excitations compared to the minimal UED (mUED), in which, these BLTs are absent. In this note, we calculate the gauge-fixing mechanism in the electroweak sector of such nontrivial UED scenario. Moreover, we discuss the composition and masses of Goldstone and any physical scalar that emerge after the symmetry breaking in this set up with different choices of gauge.
We examine Podolsky’s electrodynamics, which is non-invariant under the usual duality transformation. We deduce a generalization of Hodge’s star duality, which leads to a dual gauge field and restores to a certain extent the dual symmetry. The model becomes fully dual symmetric asymptotically, when it reduces to the Maxwell theory. We argue that this strict dual symmetry directly implies the existence of the basic invariants of the electromagnetic fields.
Recently, a one-parameter extension of the covariant Heisenberg algebra with the extension parameter l(l is a non-negative constant parameter which has a dimension of [momentum]−1) in a (D+1)-dimensional globally flat spacetime has been presented which is a covariant generalization of the Kempf–Mangano algebra [see G. P. de Brito, P. I. C. Caneda, Y. M. P. Gomes, J. T. Guaitolini Junior and V. Nikoofard, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2017, 4768341 (2017) and A. Kempf and G. Mangano, Phys. Rev. D 55, 7909 (1997)]. The Abelian Proca model is reformulated from the viewpoint of the above one-parameter extension of the covariant Heisenberg algebra. It is shown that the free space solutions of the above modified Proca model describe two massive vector particles with different effective masses ℳ±(Λ) where Λ=ℏl is the characteristic length scale in our model. In addition, the Feynman propagator in momentum space for the modified Abelian Proca model is calculated analytically. Our numerical estimations show that the maximum value of Λ in a four-dimensional spacetime is near the electroweak length scale, i.e. Λmax∼lelectroweak∼10−18m. We show that in the infrared/large-distance domain, the modified Proca model behaves like an Abelian massive Lee–Wick model which has been presented by Accioly and his co-workers in A. Accioly, J. Helayel-Neto, G. Correia, G. Brito, J. de Almeida and W. Herdy, Phys. Rev. D 93, 105042 (2016). The short-distance behavior of the modified Proca model is studied in the massless limit and the explicit forms of the inhomogeneous infinite derivative Maxwell equation and the infinite derivative Poisson equation are obtained. Finally, note that in the low-energy limit (Λ→0), the results of this paper are compatible with the results of the usual Proca model.
In this paper, we examine, in the ’t Hooft renormalization scheme, the analytic running coupling ˉαt(Q2) in QCD, using the two-loop β-function with positive expansion parameters β0 and β1. An exact integral representation is derived for this causal coupling, which is fully expressed in terms of the imaginary part of the Lambert function W. This integral form manifestly accounts for the universal value of the infrared limit ˉαt(Q2=0)=4π/β0.
We study the space–time symmetries and transformation properties of the non-commutative U(1) gauge theory, by using Noether charges. We carry out our analysis by keeping an open view on the possible ways θμν could transform. Since the theory is not invariant under the conformal transformations, with the only exception of space–time translations, we conclude that the most natural and dynamically consistent requirement is that θμν does not transform under any space–time transformation. A similar analysis should apply to other gauge groups.
We prove the perturbative renormalizability of pure SU(2) Yang–Mills theory in the Abelian gauge supplemented with mass terms. Whereas mass terms for the gauge fields charged under the diagonal U(1) allow us to preserve the standard form of the Slavnov–Taylor identities (but with modified BRST variations), mass terms for the diagonal gauge fields require the study of modified Slavnov–Taylor identities. We comment on the renormalization group equations, which describe the variation of the effective action with the different masses. Finite renormalized masses for the charged gauge fields, in the limit of vanishing bare mass terms, are possible provided a certain combination of wave function renormalization constants vanishes sufficiently rapidly in the infrared limit.
We present a nonperturbative study of the (1+1)-dimensional massless Thirring model by using path integral methods. The regularization ambiguities — coming from the computation of the fermionic determinant — allow to find new solution types for the model. At quantum level the Ward identity for the 1PI 2-point function for the fermionic current separates such solutions in two phases or sectors, the first one has a local gauge symmetry that is implemented at quantum level and the other one without this symmetry. The symmetric phase is a new solution which is unrelated to the previous studies of the model and, in the nonsymmetric phase there are solutions that for some values of the ambiguity parameter are related to well-known solutions of the model. We construct the Schwinger–Dyson equations and the Ward identities. We make a detailed analysis of their UV divergence structure and, after, we perform a nonperturbative regularization and renormalization of the model.
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) in a strong constant magnetic field is investigated from the viewpoint of its connection with noncommutative QED. It turns out that within the lowest Landau level (LLL) approximation the 1-loop contribution of fermions provides an effective action with the noncommutative U(1)NC gauge symmetry. As a result, the Ward identities connected with the initial U(1) gauge symmetry are broken down in the LLL approximation. On the other hand, it is shown that the sum over the infinite number of the higher Landau levels (HLL's) is relevant despite the fact that each contribution of the HLL is suppressed. Owing to this nondecoupling phenomenon the transversality is restored in the whole effective action. The kinematic region where the LLL contribution is dominant is also discussed.
We formulate and explore the physical implications of a new translation gauge theory of gravity in flat space–time with a new Yang–Mills action, which involves quadratic gauge curvature and fermions. The theory shows that the presence of an "effective Riemann metric tensor" for the motions of classical particles and light rays is probably the manifestation of the translation gauge symmetry in flat physical space–time. In the post-Newtonian approximation of the tensor gauge field produced by the energy–momentum tensor, the results are shown to be consistent with classical tests of gravity and with the quadrupole radiations of binary pulsars.
We consider some aspects of classical S-duality transformations in first-order actions taking into account the general covariance of the Dirac algorithm and the transformation properties of the Dirac bracket. By classical S-duality transformations we mean a field redefinition that interchanges the equations of motion and its associated Bianchi identities. By working from a first-order variational principle and performing the corresponding Dirac analysis we find that the standard electromagnetic duality can be reformulated as a canonical local transformation. The reduction from this phase space to the original phase space variables coincides with the well-known result about duality as a canonical nonlocal transformation. We have also applied our ideas to the bosonic string. These dualities are not canonical transformations for the Dirac bracket and relate actions with different kinetic terms in the reduced space.
Within Yang–Mills gravity with translation group T(4) in flat space–time, the invariant action involving quadratic translation gauge-curvature leads to quadrupole radiations, which are shown to be consistent with experiments. The radiation power turns out to be the same as that in Einstein's gravity to the second-order approximation. We also discuss an interesting physical reason for the accelerated cosmic expansion based on the long-range Lee–Yang force of Ub(1) gauge field associated with the established conservation law of baryon number. We show that the Lee–Yang force can be related to a linear potential ∝ r, provided the gauge field satisfies a fourth-order differential equation in flat space–time. Furthermore, we consider an experimental test of the Lee–Yang force related to the accelerated cosmic expansion. The necessity of generalizing Lorentz transformations for accelerated frames of reference and accelerated Wu–Doppler effects are briefly discussed.
We extend to basic cosmology the subject of Yang–Mills gravity — a theory of gravity based on local translational gauge invariance in flat space–time. It has been shown that this particular gauge invariance leads to tensor factors in the macroscopic limit of the equations of motion of particles which plays the same role as the metric tensor of general relativity (GR). The assumption that this "effective metric" tensor takes on the standard FLRW form is our starting point. Equations analogous to the Friedmann equations are derived and then solved in closed form for the three special cases of a universe dominated by (1) matter, (2) radiation and (3) dark energy. We find that the solutions for the scale factor are similar to, but distinct from, those found in the corresponding GR based treatment.
The U(1) gauge theory on a space with Lie type noncommutativity is constructed. The construction is based on the group of translations in Fourier space, which in contrast to space itself is commutative. In analogy with lattice gauge theory, the object playing the role of flux of field strength per plaquette, as well as the action, is constructed. It is observed that the theory, in comparison with ordinary U(1) gauge theory, has an extra gauge field component. This phenomena is reminiscent of similar ones in formulation of SU(N) gauge theory in space with canonical noncommutativity, and also appearance of gauge field component in discrete direction of Connes' construction of the Standard Model.
We review models of new physics in which dark matter arises as a composite bound state from a confining strongly-coupled non-Abelian gauge theory. We discuss several qualitatively distinct classes of composite candidates, including dark mesons, dark baryons, and dark glueballs. We highlight some of the promising strategies for direct detection, especially through dark moments, using the symmetries and properties of the composite description to identify the operators that dominate the interactions of dark matter with matter, as well as dark matter self-interactions. We briefly discuss the implications of these theories at colliders, especially the (potentially novel) phenomenology of dark mesons in various regimes of the models. Throughout the review, we highlight the use of lattice calculations in the study of these strongly-coupled theories, to obtain precise quantitative predictions and new insights into the dynamics.
By considering a general Abelian chiral gauge theory, we investigate the behavior of anomalous Ward–Takahashi (WT) identities concerning their prediction for the usual relationship between the vertex and two-point fermion functions. Using gauge anomaly vanishing results, we show that the usual (in the nonanomalous case) WT identity connecting the vertex and two-point fermion 1PI functions is modified for Abelian chiral gauge theories. The modification, however, implies a relation between fermion and charge renormalization constants that can be important in a future study of renormalization of such theories.