Polyak proved that the set {Ω1a,Ω1b,Ω2a,Ω3a} is a minimal generating set of oriented Reidemeister moves. One may distinguish between forward and backward moves, obtaining 32 different types of moves, which we call directed oriented Reidemeister moves. In this paper, we prove that the set of eight directed Polyak moves {Ω1a↑,Ω1a↓,Ω1b↑,Ω1b↓,Ω2a↑,Ω2a↓,Ω3a↑,Ω3a↓} is a minimal generating set of directed oriented Reidemeister moves. We also specialize the problem, introducing the notion of a L-generating set for a link L. The same set is proven to be a minimal L-generating set for any link L with at least two components. Finally, we discuss knot diagram invariants arising in the study of K-generating sets for an arbitrary knot K, emphasizing the distinction between ascending and descending moves of type Ω3.