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The dynamics of geometric discord (GD) and its transfer in a dissipative system consisting of two independent atom-cavity-reservoir subsystems under the strong coupling and the weak coupling regimes is studied. It is shown that the GD of the atoms and the cavities oscillatorily decays to zero while the reservoirs begin to present nonzero geometric quantum discord already immediately after t = 0 in the strong coupling regime. However, in the weak coupling regime, the GD between the atoms progressively decays becoming zero and the discord between the reservoirs arises from zero to a steady value, while the cavities remain almost uncorrelated during the evolution. We also show that the amount of GD contained in atoms and reservoirs depends on the purity p and it is proportional to p, the smaller the value of p the smaller the amount of GD. It is worth noting that, in both strong coupling and the weak coupling regimes, the results show that GD initially stored in the atoms will eventually be completely transferred to the reservoirs, independent of the parameters, but the transfer is mediated via the cavities in the strong coupling regime, while it is almost directly in the weak coupling regime.
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behaviors of quantum correlations witnessed by geometric discord and negativity when two three-level spin-1 atoms exist in the optical lattice. The results show that the GD can detect the critical point K = J at finite temperature associated with the quantum phase transition which separates the superfluid phase from the Mott insulator phase, while the negativity cannot. In addition, the system undergoes an entanglement sudden death (ESD), but the GD always exists, meanwhile, the GD is more robust than negativity against temperature T.
Several measures of geometric discords have been recently proposed and mostly characterized in qubits. In this work, the dynamics of four measures of geometric discords is studied for two kinds of initial states in the two-qutrit model under environments. It is shown that four indicators can display freezing in Markovian regime and multiple freezing with multiple sudden changes in non-Markovian regime for suitable initial states and model parameters. Moreover, those measures evolve in a similar manner, but they differ from the decaying or increasing rate, the oscillatory amplitude and the time interval of freezing. However, they do not exhibit any freezing for the general Bell states. The dynamical hierarchy is discussed for those indicators. Those are helpful to understand the rich phenomena of discordant dynamics in open qutrits.
In this paper, we propose a model to describe the geometry of quantum correlations and entanglement through their distinct physical significance in quantum information processing and modern communications. However, geometric discord, using trace, Hilbert–Schmidt distances, and entanglement of formation, is engineered to be a well-defined non-classical correlation measure of an atomic field system. It consists of employing Jaynes–Cummings model to study the interaction between an excited atom at two levels and a single electromagnetic field mode inside an electrodynamic cavity in two cases, namely resonance and non-resonance. In fact, the dynamics of these measures depends decisively on the atom-field initial parameters where, importantly, the field parameters can be specified as control settings to implement an optimal teleportation protocol. The obtained results reveal that the behaviors of teleported geometric quantum discord and entanglement are similar to those displayed for maximum fidelity in terms of fully entanglement fraction. Therefore, since fidelity always exceeds the classical limit, one can design a quantum teleportation scheme with robust fidelity superior to any conventional communication protocol.