Glass formation and the nature of the chemical interaction in the As2Se3–Tl2Te3 system were studied by differential-thermal (DTA), X-ray phase (XRD), microstructural (MSA) analysis. Based on the performed experiments T-x phase diagram is constructed. It is established that the phase diagram of the system is a partially quasi-binary section of the quaternary system Tl,As//Se,Te. Eutectic equilibrium and peritectic transformation process occur in the system. When the ratio of As2Se3 and Tl2Te3 components is 1:1, a new quaternary compound Tl2As2Se3Te3 is formed. It has been established that the Tl2As2Se3Te3 compound melts with an open maximum at 568K and crystallizes in a hexagonal symmetry. In the system, under normal cooling, the glass formation area reaches −80mol.% Tl2Te3, and in the mode of quenching in liquid nitrogen up to −100mol.% T12Te3. The photoelectric properties of glassy alloys (As2Se3)1−x3)1−x(Tl2Te3)x3)x (x=0.01x=0.01; 0.3; 0.05) have been studied. Depending on the Tl2Te3 concentration of the system, the observed changes in the photoelectric properties and calculated parameters are presented.