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Symmetric heavily tailed random walks on Zd, d ≥ 1, are considered. Under appropriate regularity conditions on the tails of the jump distributions, global (i.e. uniform in x, t, ∣x∣ + t → ∞,) asymptotic behavior of the transition probability p(t, 0, x) is obtained. The examples indicate that the regularity conditions are essential.
In this paper, we develop the Riemann–Hilbert approach to study the global asymptotics of discrete orthogonal polynomials with infinite nodes. We illustrate our method by concentrating on the Charlier polynomials . We first construct a Riemann–Hilbert problem Y associated with these polynomials and then establish some technical results to transform Y into a continuous Riemann–Hilbert problem so that the steepest descent method of Deift and Zhou ([8]) can be applied. Finally, we produce three Airy-type asymptotic expansions for
in three different but overlapping regions whose union is the entire complex z-plane. When z is real, our results agree with the ones given in the literature. Although our approach is similar to that used by Baik, Kriecherbauer, McLaughlin and Miller ([3]), there are crucial differences in the details. For instance, our expansions hold in much bigger regions. Our results are completely new, and one of them answers a question raised in Bo and Wong ([4]). Asymptotic formulas are also derived for large and small zeros of the Charlier polynomials.
In this paper, we study the asymptotics of the Hahn polynomials Qn(x; α, β, N) as the degree n grows to infinity, when the parameters α and β are fixed and the ratio of n/N = c is a constant in the interval (0, 1). Uniform asymptotic formulas in terms of Airy functions and elementary functions are obtained for z in three overlapping regions, which together cover the whole complex plane. Our method is based on a modified version of the Riemann–Hilbert approach introduced by Deift and Zhou.
The Szegő–Askey polynomials are orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. In this paper, we study their asymptotic behavior by knowing only their weight function. Using the Riemann–Hilbert method, we obtain global asymptotic formulas in terms of Bessel functions and elementary functions for z in two overlapping regions, which together cover the whole complex plane. Our results agree with those obtained earlier by Temme [Uniform asymptotic expansion for a class of polynomials biorthogonal on the unit circle, Constr. Approx. 2 (1986) 369–376]. Temme's approach started from an explicit expression of the Szegő–Askey polynomials in terms of an 2F1-function, and followed by integral methods.
In this paper, we study the asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to the varying quartic weight ω(x) = e−nV(x), where . We focus on the critical case t = −2, in the sense that for t ≽ −2, the support of the associated equilibrium measure is a single interval, while for t < −2, the support consists of two intervals. Globally uniform asymptotic expansions are obtained for z in three unbounded regions. These regions together cover the whole complex z-plane. In particular, in the region containing the origin, the expansion involves the ψ function affiliated with the Hastings–McLeod solution of the second Painlevé equation. Our approach is based on a modified version of the steepest-descent method for Riemann–Hilbert problems introduced by Deift and Zhou (Ann. Math.137 (1993), 295–370).
In this paper, we develop the Riemann–Hilbert approach to study the global asymptotics of discrete orthogonal polynomials with infinite nodes. We illustrate our method by concentrating on the Charlier polynomials . We first construct a Riemann–Hilbert problem Y associated with these polynomials and then establish some technical results to transform Y into a continuous Riemann–Hilbert problem so that the steepest descent method of Deift and Zhou can be applied. Finally, we produce three Airy-type asymptotic expansions for
in three different but overlapping regions whose union is the entire complex z-plane. When z is real, our results agree with the ones given in the literature. Although our approach is similar to that used by Baik, Kriecherbauer, McLaughlin and Miller, there are crucial differences in the details. For instance, our expansions hold in much bigger regions. Our results are completely new, and one of them answers a question raised in Bo and Wong. Asymptotic formulas are also derived for large and small zeros of the Charlier polynomials.
Using the steepest descent method for oscillatory Riemann–Hilbert problems introduced by Deift and Zhou [Ann. Math.137 (1993), 295–368], we derive asymptotic formulas for the Meixner polynomials in two regions of the complex plane separated by the boundary of a rectangle. The asymptotic formula on the boundary of the rectangle is obtained by taking limits from either inside or outside. Our results agree with the ones obtained earlier for z on the positive real line by using the steepest descent method for integrals [Constr. Approx.14 (1998), 113–150].
In this paper, we study the asymptotics of the Hahn polynomials Qn(x; α, β, N) as the degree n grows to infinity, when the parameters α and β are fixed and the ratio of n/N = c is a constant in the interval (0, 1). Uniform asymptotic formulas in terms of Airy functions and elementary functions are obtained for z in three overlapping regions, which together cover the whole complex plane. Our method is based on a modified version of the Riemann–Hilbert approach introduced by Deift and Zhou.