In the given work, compliance with the distribution law of defect vacancies formed in ZrO2 crystal irradiated with 2MeV energy H+ ions at room temperature was studied (The fluxes density for the H+ ion was chosen to be 1017 ions/cm2). The effect of H+ ions with fluxes density at different temperatures (500∘C, 600∘C, 700∘C, 800∘C and 900∘C) on W and S parameters was determined. The mechanism of formation of nanoclusters in the ZrO2 crystal structure under the influence of H+ radiation, the vacancy cluster formed by 2Zr vacancies and 4O vacancies, and its location in triple spaces with hydrogen atoms were determined. 2Zr and 4 vacancies were determined by the τ values of the vacancy clusters growing under the influence of radiation and the positions of hydrogen atoms in the 1VZr, 1VO, di-VZrO triple-VZrO2 vacancy groups.