In this paper, the effect of acceleration on the airflow level posture sensor is explained using a finite element model with the temperature field and the stream field monitored by the sensor as independent variable. By using the finite element method, the temperature field and the stream field in sensing element has been obtained. The results are as follow: (1) The temperature field and the stream field in sensing element deform under the effect of acceleration. (2) The velocity difference of airflow at two point heat sources changes with the acceleration, with the increase in acceleration, the airflow rate difference of two detecting hot wires decreases, difference of current through the thermal resistance wire is increased, the bridge outputs a voltage signal corresponding to the acceleration. (3) Effect of acceleration on the airflow level posture sensor is similar to the solid and liquid pendulum tilt angle sensor, when the acceleration inputs, the sensor can't tell acceleration signal and angle signal. In dynamic use, the interference of acceleration on airflow level posture sensor must be suppressed in order to ensure the use of the precision.