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  • articleNo Access

    Layout Design Method of Indoor Space Environment Artistic Elements Based on GA-SA Hybrid Algorithm

    In order to efficiently lock the optimal layout strategy and avoid the trap of local optimal solution of a single SA algorithm, a layout design method of artistic elements in indoor space environment based on GA-SA hybrid algorithm is proposed. On the basis of analyzing the basic principles of indoor space environment layout, we should establish the goal of maximizing hierarchy, the relevance of artistic elements, simplicity, comfort, the distance between adjacent artistic elements and the utilization of effective activity space, and this goal should not be interfered with by space boundaries and artistic elements. The layout optimization model for artistic elements in indoor spatial environments, considering constraints such as human activity accessibility, is solved using a GA-SA hybrid algorithm. This approach involves initializing the population, defining a fitness function, and applying selection, crossover and mutation operations. The Metropolis-based jumping mechanism is incorporated to enhance solution exploration, iterating with a gradually decreasing temperature until the optimal layout is achieved. Experimental results indicate that this method effectively arranges artistic elements within indoor spaces, conserving floor area while creating a more spacious, comfortable and functionally distinct activity zone. The user satisfaction score reached 4.8, demonstrating the effectiveness of this layout strategy.

  • articleNo Access

    The Degree of Irreversibility in Deterministic Finite Automata

    Recently, a method to decide the NL-complete problem of whether the language accepted by a given deterministic finite automaton (DFA) can also be accepted by some reversible deterministic finite automaton (REV-DFA) has been derived. Here, we show that the corresponding problem for nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) is PSPACE-complete. The recent DFA method essentially works by minimizing the DFA and inspecting it for a forbidden pattern. We here study the degree of irreversibility for a regular language, the minimal number of such forbidden patterns necessary in any DFA accepting the language, and show that the degree induces a strict infinite hierarchy of language families. We examine how the degree of irreversibility behaves under the usual language operations union, intersection, complement, concatenation, and Kleene star, showing tight bounds (some asymptotically) on the degree.

  • articleNo Access

    Leakage-Resilient Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Recipient Anonymity

    As a promising public key cryptographic primitive, hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) introduces key delegation mechanisms into identity-based encryption. However, key leakage and recipient anonymity issues have not been adequately addressed in HIBE. Hence, direct applications of traditional HIBE schemes will violate data security and abuse users’ privacy in practice. In this paper, we propose an anonymous unbounded hierarchical identity-based encryption scheme, which achieves bounded leakage resilience and the hierarchy depth is not limited. Our security proofs based on the dual system encryption technique show that the proposed scheme is capable of resisting key leakage and it realizes recipient anonymity in the standard model. In addition, leakage resilience analysis indicates that our scheme allows the leakage rate of approximate 1/3 no matter the hierarchy depth of identities. Finally, performance comparisons show the practicability of our scheme. In particular, the secret key of our construction is of a fixed-length.

  • articleNo Access

    A New Hierarchy for Automaton Semigroups

    We define a new strict and computable hierarchy for the family of automaton semigroups, which reflects the various asymptotic behaviors of the state-activity growth. This hierarchy extends that given by Sidki for automaton groups, and also gives new insights into the latter. Its exponential part coincides with a notion of entropy for some associated automata.

    We prove that the Order Problem is decidable whenever the state-activity is bounded. The Order Problem remains open for the next level of this hierarchy, that is, when the state-activity is linear. Gillibert showed that it is undecidable in the whole family.

    We extend the aforementioned hierarchy via a semi-norm making it more coarse but somehow more robust and we prove that the Order Problem is still decidable for the first two levels of this alternative hierarchy.

  • articleNo Access


    We introduce an alternating Turing machine with modified accepting structure (denoted by MATM), which is an alternating Turing machine whose accepting condition differs from that of an ordinary alternating Turing machine (denoted by ATM). An MATM has a set of accepting state sets rather than a set of accepting states. An input word x is accepted by an MATM M if there is a computation tree of M on x such that the set of states associated with the leaves of the tree is equal to an accepting state set. Let UTM (MUTM) denote an ATM (MATM) with no existential state. We first investigate a relationship between ATM’s and MATM’s, and show that (i) for any function L(n), L(n) space bounded on-line (off-line) ATM’s are equivalent to L(n) space bounded on-line (off-line) MATM’s, and (ii) for any L(n) such that L(n)≥log log n and limn→∞L(n)/n=0, L(n) space bounded on-line MUTM’s are more powerful than L(n) space bounded on-line UTM’s. We then investigate a relationship between online and off-line, and show for example that for any L(n) such that L(n)≥log n and limn→∞L(n)/n=0, L(n) space bounded off-line MUTM’s are more powerful than L(n) space bounded on-line MUTM’s. We next show that there exists an infinite hierarchy among accepting powers of L(n) space bounded on-line (off-line) MATM’s and MUTM’s with L(n)≥log log n and limn→∞L(n)/n=0. Finally, we investigate closure properties of space bounded on-line (off-line) MATM’s and MUTM’s.

  • articleNo Access


    Complementarity is one of the main features underlying the interactions in biological and biochemical systems. Inspired by those systems we propose a model for the dynamical evolution of a system composed of agents that interact due to their complementary attributes rather than their similarities. Each agent is represented by a bit-string and has an activity associated to it; the coupling among complementary peers depends on their activity. The connectivity of the system changes in time respecting the constraint of complementarity. We observe the formation of a network of active agents whose stability depends on the rate at which activity of agents diffuses in the system. The model exhibits a nonequilibrium phase transition between the ordered phase, where a stable network is generated, and a disordered phase characterized by the absence of correlation among the agents. The ordered phase exhibits multi-modal distributions of connectivity and activity, indicating a hierarchy of interaction among different populations characterized by different degrees of activity. This model may be used to study the hierarchy observed in social organizations.

  • articleNo Access


    Hierarchical structure is an essential part of complexity, an important notion relevant for a wide range of applications ranging from biological population dynamics through robotics to social sciences. In this paper we propose a simple cellular-automata tool for study of hierarchical population dynamics.

  • articleNo Access


    A quantitative method is suggested, where meanings of words, and grammatic rules about these, of a vocabulary are represented by real numbers. People meet randomly, and average their vocabularies if they are equal; otherwise they either copy from higher hierarchy or stay idle. The presence of teachers broadcasting the same (but arbitrarily chosen) vocabulary leads the language formations to converge more quickly.

  • articleNo Access


    We propose quantitative definitions of network community and hierarchy in collaboration networks described by bipartite graphs, whose basic elements, named actors, take part in events, organizations or activities, named acts. We show, by examples, in some practical collaboration networks that the network acts, represented by certain complete subgraphs in the projected single-mode network, usually are highly interwoven. However, we can easily identify the communities by the definition and the algorithm presented in this paper. We also propose a novel statistical quantity, i.e., interweavement, which describes quantitatively how the acts are interwoven in a collaboration network.

  • articleNo Access

    The dynamics of the rise and fall of empires

    The rise of empires can be elucidated by treating them as living organisms, and the celebrated Verhulst or Lotka–Volterra dynamics can be used to understand the growth mechanisms of empires. The fast growth can be expressed by an exponential function as in the case of Macedonian empire of the Alexander the Great whereas a sigmoidal growth can be expressed by power-law equation as in the case of Roman and Ottoman empires. The superpowers Russia and the USA follow somehow different mechanisms, Russia displays two different exponential growth behaviors whereas the USA follows two different power-law behaviors. They did not disturb and mobilize their social capacity much during the course of their rise. The decline and the collapse of an empire occur through a kind of fragmentation process, and the consequently formed small states become rather free in their behavior. The lands of the new states formed exhibit a hierarchical pattern, and the number of the states having an area smaller than the largest one can be given either by an exponential or power-law function. The exponential distribution pattern occurs when the states are quite free in their pursuits, but the power-law behavior occurs when they are under the pressure of an empire or a strong state in the region. The geological and geographical conditions also affect whether there occurs exponential or power-law behavior. The new unions formed such as the European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation increase the power-law exponent implying that they increase the stress in the international affairs. The viscoelastic behavior of the empires can be found from the scattering diagrams, and the storage (G)and loss modulus (G), and the associated work-like and heat-like terms can be determined in the sense of thermodynamics. The G of Ottomans was larger than that of Romans implying that they confronted severe resistance during their expansion. The G of Russia is also larger than that of the USA; in fact the USA did not face severe resistance as they had an overwhelming superiority over native Americans. The G>G indicates solidity in the social structure and Romans, Ottomans, and Russians all have G larger than G. The G is slightly larger than G for the USA indicating that they have had a very flexible social structure. By the same token the ratio of the work-like term to the internal energy is larger for Ottomans than that of Romans, and larger for the USA than that of Russia. That means the fraction of the total energy allocated to improve the social capacity is larger for Romans than that of Ottomans, and is larger for Russians than that of the USA.

  • articleNo Access


    Access control in a hierarchy refers to a selective access to a database. A large number of users work with the same database. These users are organized in a hierarchical structure and therefore have different access rights to the data. This paper offers a solution to the problem of access control in a hierarchy based on quantum cryptography. Each user has two keys: a classical key and a quantum key. Our scheme offers several security advantages over the classical schemes to date. It protects users from identity theft and prevents collusion attacks. Most importantly though, our scheme adapts to dynamic changes of the user hierarchy: users may join, leave, or change position in the hierarchy, without affecting the rest of the user structure.

  • articleNo Access

    Online Preemptive Hierarchical Scheduling on Two Uniform Machines with Rejection

    This paper studies the online hierarchical scheduling problem on two uniform machines with rejection. Two uniform machines M1, M2 run at the speeds of s ∈ (0, +∞), 1 separately; and they are provided with different capabilities. Each machine has a certain GOS level 1 or 2 and every job is also associated with a hierarchy 1 or 2. The job can only be assigned to the machine whose GOS level does not exceed the job's hierarchy. Preemption is permitted but idle is not introduced. Jobs come one by one over list. When a job arrives, it can be accepted and scheduled on some machine or rejected by paying its penalty. The objective is to minimize the sum of makespan yielded by accepted jobs and total penalties of all rejected jobs. For this problem, we propose a family of several online algorithms according to the range of s and the related lower bound is also obtained. These algorithms achieve optimal competitive ratio when s ∈ (0, 1) ∪ [1.618, +∞), but have a small gap between upper bound and lower bound in interval [1, 1.618).

  • articleNo Access


    E8 × E8 heterotic string and M-theory, when appropriately compactified, can give rise to realistic, N = 1 supersymmetric particle physics. In particular, the exact matter spectrum of the MSSM, including three right-handed neutrino supermultiplets, one per family, and one pair of Higgs–Higgs conjugate superfields is obtained by compactifying on Calabi–Yau manifolds admitting specific SU(4) vector bundles. These "heterotic standard models" have the SU(3)C × SU(2)L × U(1)Y gauge group of the standard model augmented by an additional gauged U(1)B – L. Their minimal content requires that the B – L gauge symmetry be spontaneously broken by a vacuum expectation value of at least one right-handed sneutrino. In a previous paper, we presented the results of a renormalization group analysis showing that B – L gauge symmetry is indeed radiatively broken with a B – L/electroweak hierarchy of formula to formula. In this paper, we present the details of that analysis, extending the results to include higher order terms in tan β-1 and the explicit spectrum of all squarks and sleptons.

  • articleNo Access


    The matter spectrum of the MSSM, including three right-handed neutrino supermultiplets and one pair of Higgs–Higgs conjugate superfields, can be obtained by compactifying the E8 ×E8 heterotic string and M-theory on Calabi–Yau manifolds with specific SU(4) vector bundles. These theories have the standard model gauge group augmented by an additional gauged U(1)B-L. Their minimal content requires that the B-L gauge symmetry be spontaneously broken by a vacuum expectation value of at least one right-handed sneutrino. In previous papers, we presented the results of a quasianalytic renormalization group analysis showing that B-L gauge symmetry is indeed radiatively broken with an appropriate B-L/electroweak hierarchy. In this paper, we extend these results by (1) enlarging the initial parameter space and (2) explicitly calculating the renormalization group equations numerically. The regions of the initial parameter space leading to realistic vacua are presented and the B-L/electroweak hierarchy computed over these regimes. At representative points, the mass spectrum for all sparticles and Higgs fields is calculated and shown to be consistent with present experimental bounds. Some fundamental phenomenological signatures of a nonzero right-handed sneutrino expectation value are discussed, particularly the cosmology and proton lifetime arising from induced lepton and baryon number violating interactions.

  • articleNo Access

    Equations with physical applications arising from the Vlasov chain

    The first equation in a hierarchy of equations due to Vlasov is studied. The equation can be described as a Schrödinger equation for the probabilistic description of a system. It has applications in other areas as well. A physical meaning can be assigned to the phase of the wavefunction. The approach allows construction of solutions of the Schrödinger equation from known solutions and conversely much like a Bäcklund transformation. Finally, the process of introducing a potential into the Schrödinger equation is generalized to the case of Bohmian mechanics.

  • articleNo Access

    Dynamic First Access Isolation Cache to Eliminate Reuse-Based Cache Side Channel Attacks

    Cache side channel attacks have been used to extract users’ sensitive information such as cryptographic keys. In particular, the reuse-based cache side channel attacks exploit the shared code or data between the attacker and the victim, which can steal the secret with high speed and precision. It has threatened not only the host level but also the cloud level severely. Previous defensive measures are either not flexible enough, or cause a high performance or storage overhead. In this work, we present a dynamic first access isolation cache that eliminates reuse-based cache side channel attacks by providing fine grained first access isolation to overcome these problems. First of all, there are sid bits in each cache line to record the access information and prevent the first time cache hit state brought by the victim from being utilized by the attacker while keeping data shared. Second, we use hierarchy security levels and domains to achieve flexible one way isolation between different domains, and the domains can be a group of processes, a single process, or even a fraction of code. Finally, the monitoring-driven dynamic scheduling mechanism can change the level of a domain at run time, which improves the robustness of this new design. The solution works at all the cache levels and defends against attackers running both on local and cloud. Our implementation in the Zsim simulator demonstrates that the performance overhead for standard performance evaluation corporation 2017 is less than 0.1%, and 0.21% for the multi-thread benchmarks. It performs better than the original first time miss design because of the one way isolation in our design. The only hardware modification is the sid bits per cache line, and several security registers per hardware context, which only brings 3.71% storage overhead.

  • articleNo Access

    Extraction and Analysis of Crucial Fraction in Software Networks

    Many complex systems, such as software systems, are full of complexity arising from interactions among basic units (such as classes, interfaces and struts in object-oriented software systems). One of the most successful approaches to capture the underlying structural features of large-scale software systems is the investigation of hierarchical organization. However, the hierarchy of software networks has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, the crucial fraction (CF) in software networks has been extracted and analyzed in a set of real-world software systems. First, the classes and the relationships between them have been extracted into software networks. Then software networks have been divided into different layers, and CF of software networks has been extracted by k-core. The empirical studies in this paper reveal that software networks represent flat hierarchical structure. Finally, CF has been measured by the relevant complex network parameters respectively, and the relations between CF and overall network have been analyzed by the case studies of software networks. The results show that CF represents characteristics of scale-free, small-world, strong connectivity, and the units in CF are frequently reused and dominate the overall system.

  • articleNo Access


    For intelligent systems to interact with external agents and changing domains, they must be able to perceive and to affect their environments while computing long term projection (planning) of future states. This paper describes and demonstrates the supervenience architecture, a multilevel architecture for integrating planning and reacting in complex, dynamic environments. We briefly review the underlying concept of supervenience, a form of abstraction with affinities both to abstraction in AI planning systems, and to knowledge-partitioning schemes in hierarchical control systems. We show how this concept can be distilled into a strong constraint on the design of dynamic-world planning systems. We then describe the supervenience architecture and an implementation of the architecture called APE (for Abstraction-Partitioned Evaluator). The application of APE to the HomeBot domain is used to demonstrate the capabilities of the architecture.

  • articleNo Access


    We examine the accelerating "obesity epidemic" in the US from the perspective of generalized language-of-thought arguments relating a cognitive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to an embedding context of structured psychosocial stress. From a rate distortion perspective, the obesity epidemic is an image of ratcheting social pathology — indexed by massive, policy-driven, deurbanization and deindustrialization — impressed upon the bodies of American adults and children. The resulting pattern of developmental disorder, while stratified by expected divisions of class and ethnicity, is nonetheless relentlessly engulfing even affluent majority populations.

  • articleNo Access


    Living systems are nested and consist of basic materials, cells, organisms, ecosystems, and their environments, continuously interacting in time and space. Life is an integrated process of nested living systems. We synthesize and discuss exergy capturing and accumulation of organizational exergy; the structuring of the system towards maximum entropy production and export of high entropy products; autopoiesis; emergent attractors or optimum operating points; characteristics of nested systems and holarcic levels; and the role of working and latent information. It is concluded that it is only possible to describe the livingness of a system in a continuous way and that living matter should be defined by the processes of which it is a part. Hence, from the perspective of self-organizing and nested living systems it is difficult to draw boundaries between living and non-living as well as human and non-human systems. Implications of this worldview is discussed in relation to environmental management.