Given a compact connected Riemann surface Σ of genus gΣ≥2, and an effective divisor D=∑inixi on Σ with degree(D)<2(gΣ−1), there is a unique cone metric on Σ of constant negative curvature −4 such that the cone angle at each point xi is 2πni [R. C. McOwen, Point singularities and conformal metrics on Riemann surfaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.103 (1988) 222–224; M. Troyanov, Prescribing curvature on compact surfaces with conical singularities, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 324 (1991) 793–821]. We describe the Higgs bundle on Σ corresponding to the uniformization associated to this conical metric. We also give a family of Higgs bundles on Σ parametrized by a nonempty open subset of H0(Σ,K⊗2Σ⊗𝒪Σ(−2D)) that correspond to conical metrics of the above type on moving Riemann surfaces. These are inspired by Hitchin’s results in [N. J. Hitchin, The self-duality equations on a Riemann surface, Proc. London Math. Soc. 55 (1987) 59–126] for the case D=0.