We discuss the relation between the polarization of inclusively produced (anti)hyperons and the incident baryon states in the framework of the constituent quark–diquark cascade model. We assume that there is an intrinsic diquark–antidiquark state in the incident baryon, in which the intrinsic diquark immediately fragments into a non-leading baryon and the antidiquark behaves as a valence constituent. It is also assumed that the valence (anti)diquark in the incident nucleon tends to combine selectively with a spin-down sea quark and, on the other hand, the spin-up valence quark in the projectile is chosen by a sea (anti)diquark in preference to the spin-down valence quark. It is found that the incident spin-1/2 baryon is mainly composed of a spin-0 valence diquark and a valence quark, and contains an intrinsic diquark–antidiquark state with a probability of about 7%.