The temperature dependences of resistance, impedance and capacitance of semitransparent sensor having structure ITO/PTB7-Th:PC61BM/Graphene composite (semisurface type) were investigated. The transparency of the sensor was 58–60%. The dependences of the resistance, impedance and capacitance at different frequencies 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 200 kHz and temperature in the range of 23.8–80∘C for the sensor were studied. It was observed that as the temperature increased from 23.8∘C to 80∘C, the resistance and impedance (at 1 kHz) of the samples decreased, on average, by a factor of 3.51 and 3.79, respectively. At same experimental conditions (1 kHz), the capacitances of the samples also decreased by a factor of 9.6. It was also noted that as frequency increased from 100 Hz to 200 kHz, the impedance of the sensor decreased by a factor of 21 and 12, at temperatures 24∘C and 58∘C, respectively. Under the same conditions, the capacitance decreased by a factor of 30 and 28, respectively. The temperature resistance coefficients were measured to be −1.31%/∘C, −1.30%/∘C, −1.27%/∘C, −0.84%/∘C, −0.72%/∘C and −0.33%/∘C for R, Z (100 Hz), Z (1 kHz), Z (10 kHz), Z (100 kHz) and Z (200 kHz), respectively. For capacitance measurement, the temperature capacitance coefficients were measured as −1.39%/∘C, −1.38%/∘C, −1.37%/∘C, −1.36%/∘C and −1.34%/∘C, respectively. The semitransparent PTB7-Th- and PC61BM-based temperature sensor can be used for measurement of the temperature as a teaching aid in situations where visual control of illumination and light intensity is required.