The Caputo–Fabrizio (C–F) definition, which solves the singularity problem in the Caputo definition, has been preliminarily applied in the field of circuit system modeling. However, the complex characteristics of the C–F definition-based circuit systems are still understudied. Therefore, this paper proposes a C–F definition-based fractional-order RLC (CF-FORLC) circuit model and analyzes its basic characteristics. First, the effects of different component orders on the performance parameters including the impedance, quality factor, and bandwidth are analyzed, which gives insights into the design of CF-FORLC. Then, the analytical solutions and the frequency-domain characteristics of CF-FORLC with different capacitance and inductance orders under arbitrary input are derived. Finally, the data of actual circuits are fitted to obtain the parameters of the CF-FORLC model, and the orders of the C–F definition-based capacitors and inductors are estimated. The results of the comparative experiments show that the proposed modeling scheme can improve the consistency of the dynamic performance of the model with that of the actual circuit. In addition, the proposed CF-FORLC model shows higher accuracy and flexibility with more adjustable parameters.