The ECRH system at ASDEX Upgrade is currently extended from 1.6 MW to 5 MW. The extension so far consists of 2-frequency units, which use single diamond-disk vacuum-windows to transmit power at the natural resonances of these disks (105 & 140 GHz). For the last unit of this extension two additional intermediate non-resonant frequencies are foreseen, requiring new window concepts. For the torus a polarisation-independent double-disk window has been developed. For the gyrotron a grooved diamond disk is actually favoured, for which the grooved surfaces act as anti-reflective coating. Since ASDEX Upgrade operates with completely W-covered plasma facing components, central ECRH is often applied to suppresses W-accumulation in the plasma center. In order to extend the operational range for central ECRH, X3- and O2-heating schemes were developed. Both are characterized by incomplete single-path absorption. For X3 heating, the X2 resonance at the pedestal on the high field side is used as a 'beam-dump', for the O2 scheme a specific reflector tile on the inner heat shield enforces a second path through the plasma center. The geometry for NTM control had to be modified to allow simultaneous central heating. In real-time the ECRH position can be determined either by ray-tracing based on real-time equilibria and density profiles or from ECE for modulated ECRH power. Fast real-time ECE also allows to determine the NTM position. Further major physics applications of the system are summarized.