This paper attempts to explain why China performed better than India in reducing poverty. As two of the most populous countries in the world, China and India have both experienced fast economic growth and high inequality in the past four decades. Conversely, China adopted a more export-oriented development strategy, resulting in faster industrialization or urbanization and deeper globalization, than India. Consequently, to conduct the comparative study, we first decompose poverty changes into a growth and an inequality components, assessing the relative importance of growth versus distributional changes on poverty in China and India. Then, Chinese data are used to estimate the impacts of industrialization, urbanization and globalization on poverty reduction in rural China. The major conclusion of this comparative study is that developing countries must prioritize employment generation in secondary and tertiary industries through industrialization and globalization in order to absorb surplus agricultural labor, helping reduce poverty in the rural areas.
The article states a list of some major technology agencies of biotechnology in Shanghai.
Additive manufacturing can be considered an innovative and high-technology and one of its characteristics is that it has limited dependency on the location. The purpose of this study is to examine this aspect by investigation how additive manufacturing is spreading globally. The focus is on established manufacturers of industrial additive manufacturing machines. It was found that the early-stage diffusion of this technology is primarily in advanced economies. Furthermore, many of the currently established companies that manufacture industrial 3D printers come from already existing companies that expanded into AM or that led to spin-off companies. The complexity of AM which requires expert knowledge across a range of fields may be the key reason for this finding. Recommendations for further research are provided.
Superconducting RF (SRF) accelerator technology has basically existed for 50 years. It took about 20 years to conduct basic R&D and prototyping at universities and international institutes before the first superconducting accelerators were built, with industry supplying complete accelerator cavities. In parallel, the design of large scale accelerators using SRF was done worldwide. In order to build those accelerators, industry has been involved for 30 years in building the required cavities and/or accelerator modules in time and budget. To enable industry to supply these high tech components, technology transfer was made from the laboratories in the following three regions: the Americas, Asia and Europe. As will be shown, the manufacture of the SRF cavities is normally accomplished in industry whereas the cavity testing and module assembly are not performed in industry in most cases, yet. The story of industrialization is so far a story of customized projects. Therefore a real SRF accelerator product is not yet available in this market. License agreements and technology transfer between leading SRF laboratories and industry is a powerful tool for enabling industry to manufacture SRF components or turnkey superconducting accelerator modules for other laboratories and users with few or no capabilities in SRF technology. Despite all this, the SRF accelerator market today is still a small market. The manufacture and preparation of the components require a range of specialized knowledge, as well as complex and expensive manufacturing installations like for high precision machining, electron beam welding, chemical surface preparation and class ISO4 clean room assembly. Today, the involved industry in the US and Europe comprises medium-sized companies. In Japan, some big enterprises are involved. So far, roughly 2500 SRF cavities have been built by or ordered from industry worldwide. Another substantial step might come from the International Linear Collider (ILC) project currently being designed by the international collaboration GDE ('global design effort'). If the ILC will be built, about 18,000 SRF cavities need to be manufactured worldwide within about five years. The industrialization of SRF accelerator technology is analyzed and reviewed in this article in view of the main accelerator projects of the last two to three decades.
In this paper, a nonlinear mathematical model is proposed and analyzed to study the effects of population pressure augmented industrialization on the survival of competing species dependent on resource. It is assumed that the growths of competing species are logistic and carrying capacities increase with increase in the density of resource biomass. Further, it is assumed that the resource biomass too is growing logistically in the environment and its carrying capacity decreases with the increase in densities of competing species and industrialization. The growth rate of population pressure is assumed to be proportional to the densities of competing species. Stabilities of all equilibria and conditions which influence the permanence of the system are carried out using theory of differential equations. Numerical simulations are performed to accomplish our analytical findings. It is shown that the equilibrium density of resource biomass decreases as (i) the growth rate coefficient of population pressure increases (ii) the growth rate coefficient of industrialization due to population pressure increases and (iii) the growth rate coefficient of industrialization due to resource biomass increases. It is found that the competitive outcome alters with increase in the growth rate coefficient of population pressure. Decrease in the equilibrium densities of competing species is also noted with increase in the growth rate coefficient of industrialization due to resource biomass.
In this paper, a nonlinear mathematical model is proposed and analyzed to study the depletion of forestry resources caused simultaneously by population and population pressure augmented industrialization. The control of population pressure, using economic efforts is also considered in the modeling process. It is assumed that cumulative biomass density of forestry resources and the density of population follow logistic models. It is further assumed that the density of population and the level of industrialization increase as the cumulative biomass density of forestry resources increases. The cumulative density of economic efforts, which are applied to control the population pressure, is considered to be proportional to the population pressure. The model analysis shows that as the population pressure increases, the level of industrialization increases leading to decrease in the cumulative biomass density of forestry resources. It is found that if population pressure is controlled by using some economic efforts, the decrease in cumulative biomass density of forestry resources can be made much less than the case when no control is applied. It is also noted that if the population pressure augmented industrialization increases without control, the forestry resources may become extinct.
Green financing is an emergent technology in recent days that supports the nature of environment with reduced carbon emissions. Also, the renewable energy sources or green resources are the most suitable options for improving the economic growth and sustainability of environment. Recently, many industrial organizations over the world were able to provide support to the deployment of green energy projects because it is less harmful to the environment and increases the financial development of country. Therefore, this paper objects to analyze the major effects of green financial strategies for developing the green energy projects. Moreover, it discussed about the recent trends of adopting green projects for ensuring the sustainability of environment with increased energy utilization. In addition to that, it examines various challenges and risks that are associated to the deployment of green financing strategy. The long-term financing, associated risks in project development, minimized return values, and lack of capacity are the major risks of green financing management systems. According to the recent reports, it is stated that the government sectors have an increased responsibility for funding the green projects to support the environment nature. Nevertheless, some of the public and private sectors in different countries are motivating the green energy projects by providing the financial support to the short-term and medium-term organizations for ensuring the sustainability of environment.
Becoming an industrialized country is a necessary requirement for the Chinese nation to realize great rejuvenation, and it is also an important economy connotation to achieve the “Chinese Dream”. This paper holds that after the past 30 years' the rapid development of China since adopting reform and opening up policy, China's industrialization has been in its late stage now. China's industrialization, so far, has been developing into a great nation with a population of over one billion, and is advancing rapidly. It is now facing a highly unbalanced regional development. It is also a low-cost and export-oriented industrialization. This kind of industrialization is unprecedented in all of human history. The prospects of China's industrialization are bright. China, developing normally, could accomplish industrialization in 2025 to 2030 at the latest. However, the industrialization process may not be smooth. After the financial crisis, the third industrial revolution and servitization in manufacturing have been important trends in the global industrialization process, which would make for smooth progress of China's industrialization more difficult, and increasing the need for strategic adjustment of China's industrialization.
Industrial sector is the largest CO2 emission sector in China, thus the peak of China’s total CO2 emissions relies heavily on its industrial sector. After rapid industrialization during the last three decades, China now is between the intermediate and the late industrialization stage in general. Looking at the production and emission structures of China’s industries, especially the heavy and chemical industrial sectors which are energy- and emission-intensive industries, we claim that the output of these heavy and chemical industries will peak at around 2020, the industrialization process will complete at around 2025 and after that, China will enter the post-industrialization era. According to the CO2 emission pathways of developed countries during their industrialization, i.e. the so-called “Carbon Kuznets Curve”, and based on the characteristics of China’s industrialization and urbanization process, it is estimated that the CO2 emissions from the industrial sector will keep rising over time and reach its peak at around the year 2040 in the business-as-usual scenario; while in the low-carbon scenario, it will peak between 2025 and 2030 and decline after the year 2040.
Despite their promises of wealth creation, productivity increase, and improved living circumstances in Africa, industrialization, and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have the potential to endanger the continent’s climate, particularly given the nature of energy intensity and associated emissions connected with their expansion. Thus, this study empirically examined the extent to which industrialization and FDI inflows contribute to the predictability of climate change in Africa, focusing on the top 10 greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting countries on the continent with data spanning from 1990 to 2023. Employing a bias-adjusted ordinary least square estimation technique, we considered both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts that include several scenario analyses. We reveal both industrialization and FDI inflows as significant predictors of climate change in Africa but with varying degrees of environmental threats. This provides the foundation for, among other things, the suggestion that African continental and sub-regional bodies consider the need for differences in climate commitment strategies across the region based on the varying nature and magnitude of manufacturing intensity and FDI inflows, as well as associated GHG emissions and the nature of climate change vulnerability.
Industrialization has long been the focus of national development plans in many African countries. Yet, Africa today is less industrialized than it was four decades ago. Industrial capacity building has recently been prioritized in Beijing’s aid policy as a prerequisite for a thriving manufacturing sector in Africa. As a result, China’s aid and investment in Africa focus on three areas: manufacture, infrastructure, and economic zone development. The choices reflect Beijing’s four decades of experience in its own industrialization process. The two cases of Angola and Zambia presented in this article illustrate the constraining factors in Africa’s industrialization: a business-unfriendly financial environment, vast untapped labor and resource potentials, an imbalanced growth model, and cumbersome bureaucratic procedures. To help Africa achieve higher levels of integration and industrialization, Beijing ought to do more and better along five lines of effort: first, by delineating the role of development cooperation in China-Africa capacity building cooperation; second, upgrading African industrial capacity both at the macro- and micro-levels; third, supporting infrastructure and agricultural modernization across Africa; fourth, working with African subregional institutions to stimulate regional integration and industrialization; and fifth, building greater complementarities with international organizations in Africa.
The efficiency of complex industrialized farming systems are compared to that of natural environmental systems while taking into account economic and environmental benefit as well as the needs of farmers and cattle.
The expansion of the industrial sector is one of the prime contributors to the increase in the concentration of heat-trapping gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2CO2), in the atmosphere. Since the onset of the industrial revolution, industrial CO2CO2 emissions have been contributing significantly to global warming and associated climate changes. To design strategies for the mitigation of climate changes, it is crucial to comprehend the role of industrialization in the elevation of atmospheric CO2CO2 concentration. This paper presents a nonlinear mathematical model, comprising a set of nonlinear differential equations, to examine the impact of industrialization on the dynamics of atmospheric CO2CO2. Analysis of the model shows that if the industrial CO2CO2 emission rate increases beyond a critical value, the system experiences Hopf-bifurcation about the interior equilibrium and periodic solution is generated. The direction and stability of periodic solutions arising through Hopf-bifurcation are investigated. Numerical simulation is presented to demonstrate the analytical findings.
On a global basis, livestock production is responsible for an estimated 14.5% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, making it a substantial contributor to climate change (Gerber et al., 2013). Moreover, livestock-related carbon emissions are expected to increase between now and 2050 as a larger and more affluent population demands more beef, pork, poultry, and other animal products (70% more than 2010) (Gerber et al., 2013). A new technology known as cellular agriculture promises an alternative to livestock rearing that could reduce the resource intensity of meat production, but the environmental benefits are far from certain. While not exhaustive, this section discusses some of the factors that could influence the global warming impacts of cell-based meat…
Additive manufacturing can be considered an innovative and high-technology and one of its characteristics is that it has limited dependency on the location. The purpose of this study is to examine this aspect by investigation how additive manufacturing is spreading globally. The focus is on established manufacturers of industrial additive manufacturing machines. It was found that the early-stage diffusion of this technology is primarily in advanced economies. Furthermore, many of the currently established companies that manufacture industrial 3D printers come from already existing companies that expanded into AM or that led to spin-off companies. The complexity of AM which requires expert knowledge across a range of fields may be the key reason for this finding. Recommendations for further research are provided.
Additive manufacturing can be considered an innovative and high-technology and one of its characteristics is that it has limited dependency on the location. The purpose of this study is to examine this aspect by investigation how additive manufacturing is spreading globally. The focus is on established manufacturers of industrial additive manufacturing machines. It was found that the early-stage diffusion of this technology is primarily in advanced economies. Furthermore, many of the currently established companies that manufacture industrial 3D printers come from already existing companies that expanded into AM or that led to spin-off companies. The complexity of AM which requires expert knowledge across a range of fields may be the key reason for this finding. Recommendations for further research are provided.
Before the reform in the 1960s, twin vicious circles perpetuated the shortages of foreign exchange and labor skill, and prevented the Korean economy from realizing its considerable growth potential. The breakthrough came when the Japanese labor shortage facilitated Korean exports, after economic normalization between the two countries. The reformed institutions reduced rent-seeking and refocused Korean managerial efforts to pioneering activities. The Korean takeoff scenario is a shared theme among all four Asian newly industrialized economies cited by Lucas (1988) as showcases.
One of the major objectives of the development of China's new energy vehicle is to massively produce and make it to market, which is largely dependent on economic stimulus packages, or stimulating policies. This paper analyzes both the significance and past studies of new energy vehicles' commercialization, the current policies and the effect of stimulus packages on this industrialization. The main policy problems of the commercialization of new energy vehicles are pointed out, and suggestions for promoting the commercialization of new energy vehicles under the stimulus package are presented.
Superconducting RF (SRF) accelerator technology has basically existed for 50 years. It took about 20 years to conduct basic R&D and prototyping at universities and international institutes before the first superconducting accelerators were built, with industry supplying complete accelerator cavities. In parallel, the design of large scale accelerators using SRF was done worldwide. In order to build those accelerators, industry has been involved for 30 years in building the required cavities and/or accelerator modules in time and budget. To enable industry to supply these high tech components, technology transfer was made from the laboratories in the following three regions: the Americas, Asia and Europe. As will be shown, the manufacture of the SRF cavities is normally accomplished in industry whereas the cavity testing and module assembly are not performed in industry in most cases, yet. The story of industrialization is so far a story of customized projects. Therefore a real SRF accelerator product is not yet available in this market. License agreements and technology transfer between leading SRF laboratories and industry is a powerful tool for enabling industry to manufacture SRF components or turnkey superconducting accelerator modules for other laboratories and users with few or no capabilities in SRF technology. Despite all this, the SRF accelerator market today is still a small market. The manufacture and preparation of the components require a range of specialized knowledge, as well as complex and expensive manufacturing installations like for high precision machining, electron beam welding, chemical surface preparation and class ISO4 clean room assembly. Today, the involved industry in the US and Europe comprises medium-sized companies. In Japan, some big enterprises are involved. So far, roughly 2500 SRF cavities have been built by or ordered from industry worldwide. Another substantial step might come from the International Linear Collider (ILC) project currently being designed by the international collaboration GDE (‘global design effort’). If the ILC will be built, about 18,000 SRF cavities need to be manufactured worldwide within about five years. The industrialization of SRF accelerator technology is analyzed and reviewed in this article in view of the main accelerator projects of the last two to three decades.
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