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  • articleNo Access

    The Role of Information Technology in Strengthening Strategic Flexibility and Organisational Resilience of Small Medium Enterprises Post COVID-19

    In fact, most organisations invest great resources to develop and integrate information technology (IT) and its use. Information technology capabilities (ITC) can generate a positive impact on organisations in many different ways. This study analyses how ITC affect organisational resilience (OR) through information quality (IQ) and strategic flexibility (SF). It studies the mediating role of IQ and the modulating effect of environmental turbulences (market and technological). The developed model was appreciated using data from 400 firms. The data were treated using structured equation modelling (SEM). The findings indicate that ITC strongly and positively impact SF through IQ to increase OR. We also demonstrate that environmental turbulence moderates the influence of SF on OR, but does not have an effect on the interrelationship between IT and SF. The developed and tested model defines a critical and pragmatic pathway for OR through a capability view.

  • articleNo Access


    Effective information disclosure is the cornerstone of sustainable operation of the capital market. In the IPO market, whether public information in the prospectus can be fully captured by investors largely depends on the quality of valuation-relevant information. Based on Chinese prospectuses, we create five unique indicators to measure the information quality and examine the relationship between information quality and IPO underpricing. We find that high quality of information disclosure results in less underpricing because they relieve serious information asymmetry between issuing companies and investors. We provide a new method to supervise and improve the quality of non-financial information disclosure.

  • articleNo Access

    Information Governance in Dynamic Networked Business Process Management

    Competition in today’s globalized markets forces organizations to collaborate within dynamic business networks to provide mass-customized integrated solutions for customers. The collaboration within dynamic business networks necessitates forming dynamic networked business processes (DNBPs). Networked business processes need to be supported by high quality information that is exchanged in a trustworthy environment. Information governance (IG) is described as a holistic approach to different mechanisms that support high quality and secure information exchanges. However, dynamism of networked business processes causes IG issues like unsecured information access and low quality information products to emerge. In this paper, a comprehensive list of the IG issues in DNBPs is identified through structured steps. The identified IG issues are characterized within four main categories, respectively, information product quality, information service quality, information security, and metadata issues. For the evaluation of the practical significance of the identified IG issues, a case study is conducted in a business network that provides mobility solutions. In this way, the paper closes the gap between studies on IG, which have mostly concentrated on IG within the borders of a single organization or IG in stable business networks, and studies on dynamic business networks, which have addressed the formation of dynamic inter-organizational interactions without paying rigorous attention to information artefacts that are exchanged.

  • articleNo Access


    The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of operational and strategic information exchange on supply chain performance and the moderating role of information quality in relation to both operational and strategic information exchange. The study was conducted using manufacturing companies located in the Northern region of Malaysia. Hierarchical multiple regressions were applied to test the hypotheses developed for the study. It was found that operational and strategic information exchange is significantly related to supply chain performance. The impact of strategic information exchange is greater as opposed to operational information exchange. Information quality does not moderate the relationship between both operational and strategic information exchange and supply chain performance. Nonetheless, this study provides evidence that both strategic information exchange and operational information exchange are required to enhance supply chain performance. As such supply chain partners should effectively exchange strategic information as the impact is greater on performance.

  • articleNo Access

    Analyzing Knowledge Construction in Online Health Group Discussion

    The ongoing transition to the patient-centred healthcare paradigm suggests that patients adopt an active role in managing their health conditions. As a result, the Internet is becoming an important source of health-related information. Internet-based health support groups allow patients to access diverse information relevant to their particular situation by participating in online discussions. The quality of such information may have effects on the patients’ health outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of knowledge construction in health support group online discussions on perceived information quality, information quality from the perspective of information consumers, and on information integrity, that is, validity from the point of view of the current state of scientific knowledge. It was hypothesised that knowledge construction results in better perceived information quality and in higher information integrity. A health support group online discussion site devoted to weight management was used as a source of data. Quantitative content analysis was used with a discussion thread as a unit of analysis. Based on the findings, the study suggested that moderators of health support group online discussions should promote explicitation or lower level knowledge construction by encouraging clarifications and refinements of health-related recommendations. Moreover, participation of qualified health practitioners is desirable to promote health-related behaviours based on evidence-based knowledge and to expose recommendations that have uncertain or even dangerous effects.

  • articleNo Access

    Foreign Product Preference among Indian Consumers: The Role of Product Reviews, Word of Mouth and Quality of Shared Information

    Decades post 1990 have seen rapid globalisation and technological advancement in the field of e-commerce, exposing consumers in emerging economies to an earlier unavailable wider range of foreign products and brands. Although the preference for both foreign and domestic products largely depends on consumer biases, studies show that shared information can influence consumer decision-making. This study aims to investigate the Indian consumers’ intentions towards foreign brands for apparel products. Using the theoretical foundation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Social Exchange Theory (SET), the collected primary survey of 204 Indian consumers across a single product category (apparel) was analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study determined that both “product reviews” and “informal word-of-mouth” discussions have a positive and significant impact on consumer’s preference towards foreign brands. Further, the quality of information shared also plays a significant role in foreign brand preference. We also found evidence that an increase in income positively influences behaviour, however, the level of education has a negative influence. The findings of the study might serve as a roadmap for any foreign apparel brand looking to establish itself in an emerging market like India.

  • articleNo Access

    Predicting Consumers’ Usage Intention Towards User-Generated Content: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach

    With the change in the communication pattern, end-users are engaging in creating content and referring to the content created by other users while making purchase decisions. This research aims at modelling factors affecting consumers’ usage intention (UI) towards user-generated content (UGC) using Need for Cognition (NfC) as a moderator of the proposed relationships. The factors affecting consumers’ UI involve perceived usefulness (PU), source credibility (SC), information quality (IQ) and NfC. Further, a novel attempt has been made by using the neural network approach to assess the predictive accuracy of the model. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 298 consumers through a survey. Data were analysed using two-stage structural equation modelling (SEM) and artificial neural network (ANN). All the independent variables viz., PU, SC, IQ and NfC significantly affect attitude towards UGC, which in turn affects UI. Results of multi-group analysis and a series of chi-square difference tests reveal that a NfC significantly moderates the relationship between PU and attitude, as well as that between SC and attitude. The root mean square error values from the neural network analysis suggest that the models show good predictive accuracy. This study provides a novel assessment of the usage of a hybrid SEM-ANN approach for understanding of UGC by incorporating NfC as a moderator in shaping consumers’ attitudes and intentions to use UGC.

  • articleNo Access

    The information quality framework for evaluating data science programs

    Designing a new Analytics programF requires not only identifying needed courses, but also tying the courses together into a cohesive curriculum with an overriding theme. Such a theme helps to determine the proper sequencing of courses and create a coherent linkage between different courses often taught by faculty staff from different domains. It is common to see a program with some courses taught by computer science faculty, other courses taught by faculty and staff from the statistics department, and others from operations research, economics, information systems, marketing or other disciplines. Applying an overriding theme not only helps students organize their learning and course planning, but it also helps the teaching faculty in designing their materials and choosing terminology. The InfoQ framework introduced by Kenett and Shmueli provides a theme that focuses the attention of faculty and students on the important question of the value of data and its analysis with flexibility that accommodates a wide range of data analysis topics. In this chapter, we review a number of programs focused on analytics and data science content from an InfoQ perspective. Our goal is to show, with examples, how the InfoQ dimensions are addressed in existing programs and help identify best practices for designing and improving such programs. We base our assessment on information derived from the program’s web site.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 17: Board Governance and Information Quality

    In this chapter, I discuss how the information environment of a firm is affected by the functioning of the board. Independent opinion formation by directors, the richness of information that is brought to bear on board decisions, as well as inter-director communication, are essential for improving the information environment of a firm and the credibility that its disclosures instill in its investors. Specifically, I address board independence, gender and ethnic diversity among directors, and inter-director communication as factors that contribute to information quality. Because the incentives of directors are markedly different between family and diversified non-family firms, I discuss this aspect of ownership in the chapter. While board functioning is only one of the determinants of information quality, it is a critical one and therefore, an understanding of the board functioning and its links to information quality is of paramount importance.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 12: Mobile Health Systems in Indonesia: A Study of the Impact of Information Quality, Trust, and Use on User Satisfaction

    The purpose of this research is to study mobile health (m-health) in Indonesia through looking at four factors of information quality, trust, use and user satisfaction and the relations among those four factors. The electronic survey was conducted among m-health users by employing purposive sampling method. 152 university students who have experiences using m-health (especially getting health information and services) were selected as participants of the research. Data obtained was analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach, and SmartPLS software was employed. The results of this study indicate that all six hypotheses are supported, and such results illustrate that m-health users in Indonesia has concerns for the quality of information and trust, and such concerns will in turn has impact on their use and satisfaction of m-health.

  • chapterNo Access

    The information quality framework for evaluating data science programs

    Designing a new Analytics programF requires not only identifying needed courses, but also tying the courses together into a cohesive curriculum with an overriding theme. Such a theme helps to determine the proper sequencing of courses and create a coherent linkage between different courses often taught by faculty staff from different domains. It is common to see a program with some courses taught by computer science faculty, other courses taught by faculty and staff from the statistics department, and others from operations research, economics, information systems, marketing or other disciplines. Applying an overriding theme not only helps students organize their learning and course planning, but it also helps the teaching faculty in designing their materials and choosing terminology. The InfoQ framework introduced by Kenett and Shmueli provides a theme that focuses the attention of faculty and students on the important question of the value of data and its analysis with flexibility that accommodates a wide range of data analysis topics. In this chapter, we review a number of programs focused on analytics and data science content from an InfoQ perspective. Our goal is to show, with examples, how the InfoQ dimensions are addressed in existing programs and help identify best practices for designing and improving such programs. We base our assessment on information derived from the program’s web site.

  • chapterNo Access

    Service Quality of Web Information Systems

    It is essential that web designers understand what users expect of web services, how they perceive service quality dimensions such as security, usability and information quality, and which ones they value the most. In this study, the users' service quality perceptions of two different web sites were investigated. Data were obtained from 1,900 users of web sites of a for-profit online bookstore and a not-for-profit national information center through the E-Qual Index that was administered online. Findings of the study indicate that users of both for-profit and not-for-profit web sites attach more importance to the "trust" and "quality of information" dimensions as web service quality indicators. Users' expectations should therefore be regularly measured to review the design and information structures of both for-profit and non-profit web sites.