Let (R,𝔪) be a commutative Noetherian complete local ring and 𝔞 and 𝔟 ideals of R. Motivated by a question of Rees, we study the relationship between ¯𝔟, the classical Northcott–Rees integral closure of 𝔟, and 𝔟∗(H), the integral closure of 𝔟 relative to an Artinian R-module H (also called here ST-closure of 𝔟 on H), in order to study a relation between e(𝔞), the multiplicity of 𝔞, and e′(𝔞;H), the multiplicity of 𝔞 relative to an Artinian R-module H. We conclude ¯𝔟=𝔟∗(H) when every minimal prime ideal of R belongs to the set of attached primes of H. As an application, we show what happens when H is a generalized local cohomology module.