The new generalized hypergeometric function (Yang 𝕐-function) described by the contour-type Mellin–Barnes integral representation serves as the inspiration for this study. The incomplete Yang 𝕐-functions γ𝕐p,qr,s(z) and Γ𝕐p,qr,s(z) that we shall introduce here are the appropriate extension of a class of 𝕐-functions by merit of the gamma functions of incomplete type, γ(σ,x) and Γ(σ,x). In this work, our objective is to study several remarkable characteristics of these newly introduced incomplete 𝕐-functions viz; reduction formula, derivative, various integral transformations. Additionally, using these newly established incomplete functions, we formulate and solve a generalized fractional kinetic equation in terms of these incomplete 𝕐-functions. Further, we also propose the incomplete 𝕎-functions γ𝕎r,sp,q and Γ𝕎r,sp,q corresponding to a new generalization of the 𝕐-function.