We initiate the study of expansions of monoids in the class of two-sided restriction monoids and show that generalizations of the Birget–Rhodes prefix group expansion, despite the absence of involution, have rich structure close to that of relatively free inverse monoids.
For a monoid MM and a class of partial actions of MM, determined by a set, RR, of identities, we define ℱℛR(M) to be the universal M-generated two-sided restriction monoid with respect to partial actions of M determined by R. This is an F-restriction monoid which (for a certain R) generalizes the Birget–Rhodes prefix expansion ̃Gℛ of a group G. Our main result provides a coordinatization of ℱℛR(M) via a partial action product of the idempotent semilattice E(ℱℐR(M)) of a similarly defined inverse monoid, partially acted upon by M. The result by Fountain, Gomes and Gould on the structure of the free two-sided restriction monoid is recovered as a special case of our result.
We show that some properties of ℱℛR(M) agree well with suitable properties of M, such as being cancellative or embeddable into a group. We observe that if M is an inverse monoid, then ℱℐRs(M), the free inverse monoid with respect to strong premorphisms, is isomorphic to the Lawson–Margolis–Steinberg generalized prefix expansion Mpr. This gives a presentation of Mpr and leads to a model for ℱℛRs(M) in terms of the known model for Mpr.