Let A be a superalgebra with superinvolution or graded involution over a field of characteristic zero and let χn1,…,n4(A), n1+⋯+n4=n, be the (n1,…,n4)-cocharacter of A. The ∗-colengths sequence, l∗n(A), n=1,2,…, is the sum of the multiplicities in the decomposition of the (n1,…,n4)-cocharacter χn1,…,n4(A), for all n=n1+⋯+n4≥1. The main purpose of this paper is to classify the superalgebras with superinvolution with ∗-colengths sequence bounded by three. Moreover, we shall extend to the general case, the analogous result proved by do Nascimento and Vieira in [Superalgebras with graded involution and star-graded colength bounded by 3, Linear Multilinear Algebra 67(10) (2019) 1999–2020] for finite-dimensional superalgebras with graded involution.