Let Cn denote the cyclic group of order n, and let Hol(Cn) denote the holomorph of Cn. In this paper, for any odd integer m≥3, we find necessary and sufficient conditions on an integer A, with |A|≥3, such that ℱm,A(x)=x2m+Axm+1 is irreducible over ℚ. When m=q≥3 is prime and ℱq,A(x) is irreducible, we show that the Galois group over ℚ of ℱq,A(x) is isomorphic to either Hol(Cq) or Hol(C2q), depending on whether there exists y∈ℤ such that A2−4=qy2. Finally, we prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers A such that ℱq,A(x) is irreducible over ℚ and that {1,𝜃,𝜃2,…,𝜃2q−1} is a basis for the ring of integers of K=ℚ(𝜃), where ℱq,A(𝜃)=0.