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  • articleNo Access


    The aim of this paper is to provide better understanding of a few approaches that have been proposed for treating nonequilibrium (time-dependent) processes in statistical mechanics with the emphasis on the interrelation between theories. The ensemble method, as it was formulated by Gibbs, has great generality and broad applicability to equilibrium statistical mechanics. Different macroscopic environmental constraints lead to different types of ensembles, with particular statistical characteristics. In the present work, the statistical theory of nonequilibrium processes which is based on nonequilibrium ensemble formalism is discussed. We also outline the reasoning leading to some other useful approaches to the description of the irreversible processes. The kinetic approach to dynamic many-body problems, which is important from the point of view of the fundamental theory of irreversibility, is alluded to. Appropriate references are made to papers dealing with similar problems arising in other fields. The emphasis is on the method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) developed by Zubarev. The NSO method permits one to generalize the Gibbs ensemble method to the nonequilibrium case and to construct a nonequilibrium statistical operator which enables one to obtain the transport equations and calculate the transport coefficients in terms of correlation functions, and which, in the case of equilibrium, goes over to the Gibbs distribution. Although some space is devoted to the formal structure of the NSO method, the emphasis is on its utility. Applications to specific problems such as the generalized transport and kinetic equations, and a few examples of the relaxation and dissipative processes, which manifest the operational ability of the method, are considered.

  • articleNo Access


    We describe, in a short overview, the construction of a Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Ensemble Formalism, providing a thermo-statistical theory of kinetic and relaxation processes. Such construction has been approached along the recently past 20th century by a pleiad of distinguished scientists, a work that can be subsumed in a large systematization in the form of a physically sound, general and useful, theoretical framework. We briefly comment on the main questions associated to that construction. Among them are the relevant ones of choice of the basic variables, and of historicity and irreversibility. The derivation of a nonequilibrium grand-canonical statistical operator and a brief description of the all-important accompanying Nonlinear Quantum Kinetic Theory of relaxation processes are presented. The aspect of validation of the theory (comparison of theory and experiment) is reviewed in compact form, and its use is illustrated in a study of a nonequilibrium system of quantum oscillators embedded in a thermal bath and under the action of an external force, showing how a far-reaching generalization of Mori–Langevin equations arises.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we investigate theoretically a dilute stream of free quantum particles passing through a macroscopic circular aperture of matter-waves and then moving in a space at a finite temperature, taking into account the dissipative coupling with the environment. The portion of particles captured by the detection screen is studied by varying the distance between the aperture and the screen. Depending on the wavelength, the temperature, and the dimension of the aperture, an unusual local valley-peak structure is found in increasing the distance, in contrast to traditional thinking that it decreases monotonically. The underlying mechanism is the nonlocality in the process of decoherence for an individual particle.

  • articleNo Access


    This paper proves, via an analytical approach, that 170 (out of 256) Boolean CA rules in a one-dimensional cellular automata (CA) are time-reversible in a generalized sense. The dynamics on each attractor of a time-reversible rule N is exactly mirrored, in both space and time, by its bilateral twin ruleN. In particular, all 69 period-1 rules, 17 (out of 25) period-2 rules, and 84 (out of 112) Bernoulli rules are time-reversible.

    The remaining 86 CA rules are time-irreversible in the sense that N and N mirror their dynamics only in space, but not in time. In this case, each attractor of N defines a unique arrow of time.

    A simple "time-reversal test" is given for testing whether an attractor of a CA rule is time-reversible or time-irreversible. For a time-reversible attractor of a CA rule N the past can be uniquely recovered from the future of N, and vice versa. This remarkable property provides 170 concrete examples of CA time machines where time travel can be routinely achieved by merely hopping from one attractor to its bilateral twin attractor, and vice versa. Moreover, the time-reversal property of some local rules can be programmed to mimic the matter–antimatter "annihilation" or "pair-production" phenomenon from high-energy physics, as well as to mimic the "contraction" or "expansion" scenarios associated with the Big Bang from cosmology.

    Unlike the conventional laws of physics, which are based on a unique universe, most CA rules have multiple universes (i.e. attractors), each blessed with its own laws. Moreover, some CA rules are endowed with both time-reversible attractors and time-irreversible attractors.

    Using an analytical approach, the time-τ return map of each Bernoulli στ-shift attractor of all 112 Bernoulli rules are shown to obey an ultra-compact formula in closed form, namely,.


    or its inverse map.

    These maps completely characterize the time-asymptotic (steady state) behavior of the nonlinear dynamics on the attractors. In-depth analysis of all but 18 global equivalence classes of CA rules have been derived, along with their basins of attraction, which characterize their transient regimes.

    Above all, this paper provides a rigorous nonlinear dynamics foundation for a paradigm shift from an empirical-based approach à la Wolfram to an attractor-based analytical theory of cellular automata.

  • articleNo Access

    Mathematical aspects of Bose–Einstein condensation in equilibrium and local equilibrium conditions

    In the paper4 the notion of local KMS condition, introduced in Ref. 3 and extended in Ref. 2, was shown to open new possibilities in the study of the problem of Bose–Einstein Condensation (BEC). In this paper we analyze the general structure of states on the CCR algebra over a pre-Hilbert space that satisfies the local KMS condition with respect to a free Hamiltonian H1 and to a given inverse temperature function β.

    The replacement of Hilbert space by a pre-Hilbert space allows one to deal with test functions more singular than those usually considered in the theory of distributions (thus allowing e.g., fractal critical surfaces) and is equivalent (in the language of Weyl algebras) to consider a degenerate symplectic form. It is precisely this degeneracy that allows one to introduce in an intrinsic way the notions of (H1,β)-critical subspace (resp. (H1,β)-critical surface) and of states exhibiting BEC, independently of infinite volume limits and of boundary conditions.

    We prove that the covariance of any local KMS state is uniquely determined by the pair (H1,β), through a nonlinear extension of the Planck factor. For a large class of such states (including all known examples) the covariance splits into a sum of two mutually singular terms: one corresponding to a regular state, the other one with support on a critical surface (or more generally a critical subspace) uniquely determined by H1 and β. In particular we prove that, if such a state is gauge invariant Gaussian (quasi-free), then the (H1,β)-equilibrium condition uniquely determines the regular part of the state, while the singular part is arbitrary.

  • articleNo Access


    In this work we analyze and compare the model of the material (elastic) element and the entropy form developed by Coleman and Owen with that one obtained by localizing the balance equations of the continuum thermodynamics. This comparison allows one to determine the relation between the entropy function S of Coleman–Owen and that one imported from the continuum thermodynamics. We introduce the Extended Thermodynamical Phase Space (ETPS) formula and realize the energy and entropy balance expressions as 1-forms in this space. This allows us to realizes I and II laws of thermodynamics as conditions on these forms. We study the integrability (closure) conditions of the entropy form for the model of thermoelastic element and for the deformable ferroelectric crystal element. In both cases closure conditions are used to rewrite the dynamical system of the model in term of the entropy form potential and to determine the constitutive relations among the dynamical variables of the model.

    In a related study (to be published) these results will be used for the formulation of the dynamical model of a material element in the contact thermodynamical phase space of Caratheodory and Hermann similar to that of homogeneous thermodynamics.

  • articleNo Access

    The irreversible quantum

    We elaborate on the existing notion that quantum mechanics is an emergent phenomenon, by presenting a thermodynamical theory that is dual to quantum mechanics. This dual theory is that of classical irreversible thermodynamics. The linear regime of irreversibility considered here corresponds to the semiclassical approximation in quantum mechanics. An important issue we address is how the irreversibility of time evolution in thermodynamics is mapped onto the quantum-mechanical side of the correspondence.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, the pore opening and closure on the giant unilamellar vesicle GUV membrane are studied under different theoretical schemes. The opening process is considered as a dynamics process; while the closure process is considered as a quasi-static process. The opening criterion is set based on an energy release rate theory, similar to the Griffith theory for crack initiation. On the other hand, the closure process is described by a non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory. When the size of initial pore is smaller than a critical value, the pore is stable, and followed by the closure process. Otherwise, the pore is unstable, which leads to the rupture of the vesicle.