The comparison of analogue E1 transitions of mirror nuclei offers a valuable tool in the investigation of isospin symmetry breaking. Differences in the measured B(E1) reduced strengths in fact can be interpreted as the signature of isospin mixing. In this work, the isospin Tz = 1/2 nuclei 67As and 67Se were investigated. The nuclei were produced via the fusion evaporation reaction of 32S on 40Ca, at the ATLAS accelerator at Argonne National Laboratory. Gammasphere, Microball and the neutron wall arrays were employed for output channel selection.
The lifetime of the mirror 9/2+ states has been measured using the centroid shift method. A confirmation of the validity of this technique is given by the excellent reproduction of the known lifetime of the 9/2+ state in 69As, previously determined via a recoil distance experiment. From a preliminary comparison of the extracted B(E1), our results indicate that isospin symmetry in these nuclei is not significantly broken. Further comparison with large scale shell model calculations is however still required.