Given a knot KK, we may construct a group Gn(K)Gn(K) from the fundamental group of KK by adjoining an nnth root of the meridian that commutes with the corresponding longitude. For n≥2n≥2 these “generalized knot groups” determine KK up to reflection.
The second author has shown that for n≥2n≥2, the generalized knot groups of the square and granny knots can be distinguished by counting homomorphisms into a suitably chosen finite group. We extend this result to certain generalized knot groups of square and granny knot analogues SKa,b=Ta,b#T−a,bSKa,b=Ta,b#T−a,b, GKa,b=Ta,b#Ta,bGKa,b=Ta,b#Ta,b, constructed as connected sums of (a,b)(a,b)-torus knots of opposite or identical chiralities. More precisely, for coprime a,b≥2a,b≥2 and nn satisfying a coprimality condition with aa and bb, we construct an explicit finite group GG (depending on aa, bb and nn) such that Gn(SKa,b)Gn(SKa,b) and Gn(GKa,b)Gn(GKa,b) can be distinguished by counting homomorphisms into G. The coprimality condition includes all n≥2 coprime to ab. The result shows that the difference between these two groups can be detected using a finite group.