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  • articleNo Access

    Medical Named Entity Recognition Model Based on Knowledge Graph Enhancement

    To improve the recognition ability of clinical named entity recognition (CNER) in a limited number of Chinese electronic medical records, it provides meaningful support for clinical advanced knowledge extraction. In this paper, using CCKS2019 Chinese electronic medical record as an experimental data source, a fusion model enhanced by knowledge graph (KG) is proposed, and the model is applied to specific Chinese CNER tasks. This study consists of three main parts: single-mode model construction and comparison experiment, KG enhancement experiment, and model fusion experiment. The model has achieved good performance in CNER from the results. The accuracy rate, recall rate, and F1 value are 83.825%, 84.705%, and 84.263%, respectively, which is the global optimal, which proves the effectiveness of the model. This provides a good help for further research of medical information.

  • articleNo Access

    A Knowledge Integrated Case-Based Classifier

    This paper proposes a case-based classifier using a new approach that integrates rule-based and case-based reasoning approaches for enhanced accuracy. The rule-based reasoning component uses rules generated from a concept lattice of training data, binarized using fuzzy sets. These binarized data are stored as cases in the case-based classification component. The case-based component complements the rule-based component to enhance classification accuracy. Moreover, we designed the case-based component with an embedded similarity measure that uses a vector model for concept approximations. Thus, this design makes it possible to generate high quality rules and classify unseen new cases. In addition, the ability to build a knowledge base in lattice form is important for discovering hierarchical patterns, incrementing or updating the existing knowledge base, and inducing rules with our rule learning algorithm. The novel methodology was implemented and evaluated with benchmark datasets from the UCI repository and historic rubber prices in Thailand, demonstrating improvements in accuracy of classification calls. The results from the fact their several hierarchical datasets are very promising, with improved classification performance over prior reported methods.

  • articleNo Access


    This paper deals with an important probabilistic knowledge integration problem: revising a Bayesian network (BN) to satisfy a set of probability constraints representing new or more specific knowledge. We propose to solve this problem by adopting IPFP (iterative proportional fitting procedure) to BN. The resulting algorithm E-IPFP integrates the constraints by only changing the conditional probability tables (CPT) of the given BN while preserving the network structure; and the probability distribution of the revised BN is as close as possible to that of the original BN. Two variations of E-IPFP are also proposed: 1) E-IPFP-SMOOTH which deals with the situation where the probabilistic constraints are inconsistent with each other or with the network structure of the given BN; and 2) D-IPFP which reduces the computational cost by decomposing a global E-IPFP into a set of smaller local E-IPFP problems.

  • articleNo Access


    We develop a quantitative framework for understanding the class of wicked problems that emerge at the intersections of natural, social, and technological complex systems. Wicked problems reflect our incomplete understanding of interdependent global systems and the systemic risk they pose; such problems escape solutions because they are often ill-defined, and thus mis-identified and under-appreciated by communities of problem-solvers. While there are well-documented benefits to tackling boundary-crossing problems from various viewpoints, the integration of diverse approaches can nevertheless contribute confusion around the collective understanding of the core concepts and feasible solutions. We explore this paradox by analyzing the development of both scholarly (social) and topical (cognitive) communities — two facets of knowledge production studies here that contribute towards the evolution of knowledge in and around a problem, termed a knowledge trajectory — associated with three wicked problems: deforestation, invasive species, and wildlife trade. We posit that saturation in the dynamics of social and cognitive diversity growth is an indicator of reduced uncertainty in the evolution of the comprehensive knowledge trajectory emerging around each wicked problem. Informed by comprehensive bibliometric data capturing both social and cognitive dimensions of each problem domain, we thereby develop a framework that assesses the stability of knowledge trajectory dynamics as an indicator of wickedness associated with conceptual and solution uncertainty. As such, our results identify wildlife trade as a wicked problem that may be difficult to address given recent instability in its knowledge trajectory.

  • articleNo Access


    The collaborative innovation of industry, academia, and government is an effective way to enhance the innovative task and Triple helix approach can be used for its investigation. Bilateral relations can be expanded into triadic relationships and the complex dynamic process will produce a wide range of possible evolutionary trajectories. The essential feature of innovation is knowledge integration and creation. From different dimensions the knowledge will be integrated at knowledge-flow level and organizational level. In this paper, a self-organizing model of knowledge integration in collaborative innovation and its working processes including the nucleation and autopoiesis processes are introduced. Problem about degree of knowledge integration in collaborative innovation is discussed and a new comprehensive categorization method is suggested. Finally a case study is described.

  • articleNo Access

    Dynamic Knowledge Integration in Socio-Technical Networks: An Interpretive Study of Intranet Use for Knowledge Integration

    A major challenge facing firms competing in electronic business markets is the dynamic integration of knowledge within and beyond the firm, enabled by internet-based infrastructure and emergent fluid socio-technical networks. This paper explores how social actors dynamically employ intranets to integrate formal and informal knowledge within evolving socio-technical networks that emerge, permeate and extend beyond the organisational boundary. The paper presents two case studies that illustrate how static intranets can be useful for dynamically integrating knowledge when they are interwoven with other knowledge channels such as e-mail through which flows the informal knowledge needed to make sense of and situate formal organisational knowledge. The findings suggest that businesses should carefully examine how employees integrate intranets with other channels in their work, and the shaping of knowledge outcomes that flows from such use. There are practical implications for the proper skilling of the people who share and integrate knowledge in this way. The paper also provides a framework for dynamic knowledge integration in socio-technical networks, which can help underpin future research in this area.

  • articleNo Access

    Fuzzy AHP Analysis of Firm-Level Knowledge Accumulation

    Knowledge is considered to be a useful tool for a firm's competitiveness and sustainability. There is considerable evidence confirming that firm-level knowledge (FLK) accumulation provides a competitive advantage for firms, through innovation. Therefore, most knowledge-intensive firms accumulate FLK via exploitative practices to prevent deterioration of their innovation performance. This study adopts methods including expert interviews, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy set theory to analyse the FLK accumulation in firms. This study proposes that three influential factors for FLK accumulation are knowledge integration (KI), knowledge absorption (KA) and knowledge sharing (KS). This study reveals that KI is the most influential factor of a firm's FLK accumulation, and the sub-factor of “Integration Ability” plays the most critical role of KI in FLK accumulation.

  • articleNo Access

    Modular and Integral Knowledge Integration: From the Case of a Chinese IT Enterprise

    Numerous enterprises rely on cross-functional teams (CFT) to integrate multi-disciplinary knowledge. However, unexpected results occur in many CFT projects. This exploratory research attempts to illustrate how knowledge integration (KI) is influenced by combining and bonding capabilities in CFT. After a qualitative investigation into a Chinese mobile application company, we found that if a team’s performance was poor, team members tended to work separately, which led to less communication among one another. We defined this type of KI as “modular knowledge integration (MKI)”. In contrast, teams that performed well tended to communicate sufficiently with team members and cooperate well. We called this kind of KI “integral knowledge integration (IKI)”. We propose that enterprises should include IKI rather than MKI in CFT. Additionally, if an enterprise expects to avoid MKI, “combining capability” and “bonding capability” should be improved accordingly.

  • articleNo Access

    Integration of Knowledge and Hybrid Institutional Logic in a Startup Development Stage — An Online Collaboration Case

    The study in this paper investigates the strategies used by collaborators in an effort to integrate knowledge in the context of a multi-institutional environment. By approaching a startup engaged in the digital marketplace, this study aims to provide empirical evidence on the adoption of virtual workplace in the context of competing institutional logics. The theoretical model is built using the perspective of institutional logic and knowledge approach. Our findings suggest that collaborators in an effort to integrate their colleagues’ knowledge use hybrid strategies — segmentation and combination. The level of skill in segmentation and combination strategies depends on the level of experience and knowledge of collaborators outside of their specialty. The study in this paper contributes in two directions. First, collaborative networks through online collaboration resulted in knowledge integration can be developed with hybrid actor roles and skills. Second, this paper provides empirical evidence on the vertical relationship between institutions, organisations, and individuals in institutional theory and the emphasis on the micro-institutional level.

  • articleFree Access

    Study on Ontological Knowledge Integration of Micromachining for Collaborative Process

    In collaborative manufacturing environment, the knowledge integration in collaborative process is very crucial, especially the heterogeneous information distributed among various cooperative suppliers. To tackle the optimization of knowledge consolidation in co-manufacturing, a knowledge integration with ontological framework is proposed in this study. First, by representing the collaborative business activities for cooperative suppliers, an architecture of knowledge integration with ontological schema is generated. The ontological model of knowledge concepts is explored in terms of the analysis of the ontological structure of knowledge. Aiming at the concept, an approach of ontology integration on the basis of ontological similarity is promoted. There are two portions included in this approach, mapping and combination, which are implemented through the analysis of similarity in two ontologies namely universal and regional. To integrate the two ontologies, the relations and restrictions among fields are definitely depicted by the Semantic Web Rule Language. Eventually, the presented framework is illustrated through a case study, and the outcomes satisfy the needs of knowledge combination to assure that the effectiveness of the presented method is confirmed.

  • articleNo Access

    The Role of Knowledge Integration in Capability Development and Emergence of Innovation Ecosystem

    This paper investigates the interrelationships between knowledge integration (KI), product innovation and capability development to enhance our understanding of the processes and outcomes of capability development within firms. One of the critical underlying mechanisms for capability building identified in the literature is the role of knowledge integration, which operates within innovation projects and contributes to dynamic capability development. Findings of this study demonstrate that the emergence of knowledge specialization from the part level up to the architectural level lead to emergence of innovation ecosystem within the auto industry as a response to learning and innovation within the firm.

  • articleOpen Access

    Examining the Implications of Knowledge Boundaries for a Large-Scale Agile Transformation Initiative of a Manufacturing Company

    To stay competitive in today’s environment, characterized by changing customer requirements, digitalization, new technologies, etc., companies must deliver fast and continuous innovation. Manufacturing companies have therefore started to launch large-scale agile transformation initiatives. A specificity of manufacturing companies is their need for deeply specialized organizational units. Knowledge boundaries resulting from knowledge specialization tend to impact transformation initiatives. Therefore, this work examines the implications of knowledge boundaries between organizational units for a large-scale agile transformation initiative of a manufacturing company. The findings show that these knowledge boundaries imply a need for knowledge integration based on flexibility and dynamism as key aspects. A conceptual model that illustrates these aspects during the initial phase of implementation of these transformation initiatives is presented.

  • articleNo Access


    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a firm's ability to integrate knowledge on their innovation performance, in order to help firm's prioritise their resources, used for knowledge integration, more effectively. Data were collected from a survey mailed to R&D managers in firms with between 100–1,000 employees in a cross-section of industries. Five hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis with and without interaction terms. The results indicate that a categorisation of knowledge is useful for understanding knowledge integration. The study also shows that the ability to integrate domain-specific knowledge is significantly related to innovation performance. Furthermore, the results indicate that technology turbulence in the industry has a positive moderating effect on the above relation. Managerial implications suggest how managers can focus their efforts in order to effectively integrate knowledge in product development projects.

  • articleNo Access


    We explore mechanisms of how knowledge integration is achieved at the individual level in cross-industry innovation projects. Our research is based on theory of cross-industry innovation (CII), absorptive capacity (ACAP), apprenticeship learning and communication as well as case analysis of seven cross-industry projects. To integrate external knowledge, actors in the target sector need to adopt — i.e., take ownership of — external knowledge from the source sector. We present a model by which such knowledge adoption is achieved. Central elements are the phases of knowledge acquisition, assimilation and transformation, a cyclic process of conveyance and convergence, and a bi-directional process of learning. Legitimacy, prior knowledge of CII collaboration and retranslation were found to be facilitators of the process. Our research extends current theory of knowledge integration in CII and provides managerial implications.

  • chapterNo Access

    Chapter 3: Holistic Strategy Dynamics — Macro and Micro Views

      This chapter presents a research viewpoint from a macro perspective on corporate boundary dynamics and a micro perspective on organizational capabilities in a corporate strategy adapted to evolving convergence in the era of advanced ICT. First, it presents a perspective on the convergence accelerating the collaborative innovation of people, organizations, companies and industries, thereby raising the potential for the creation of new business ecosystems through dynamic reconfiguration of corporate boundaries. The chapter also identifies the importance of “boundary conceptions” as the “creativity view” and “dialectic view” of stakeholders as factors that determine corporate boundaries. Second, the chapter presents the dynamic processes of strategic innovation capabilities (SICs) as organizational capabilities adapted to the changing environment of convergence (level of uncertainty and/or pace of change). The chapter suggests that SIC inspires practitioners to new perceptions and knowledge in a changing environment and raises the potential for generating new innovation through “knowledge creation (knowledge integration) or asset orchestration” both inside and outside of companies for the dynamic reconfiguration of boundaries.

    • chapterNo Access


      Cognitive robots have started to find their way into manufacturing halls. However, the full potential of these robots can only be exploited through an integration into the automation pyramid so that the system is able to communicate with the manufacturing execution system (MES). Integrating the robot with the MES allows the robot to get access to manufacturing environment and process data so that it can perform its task without human intervention. This paper describe the mobile robotic manipulator developed in the EU project STAMINA, its has been integrated with an existing MES and its application in a kitting task from the automotive industry.