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  • articleNo Access


    The process of starting and surviving a new venture is always a challenge, and this is aggravated by unfavorable conditions especially prevalent in less affluent, developing, and transitional economies. This study reviews and integrates the literature on different entrepreneurial dimensions in transitional economies and provides a case analysis, Kyrgyzstan. The review of the entrepreneurial motivations dimension indicated four major motives behind starting a new venture, and an examination of the entrepreneurial problems dimension underlined common problems prevalent in different transitional economies. Findings of the Kyrgyz case indicated that the entrepreneurial motives of local entrepreneurs are of the extrinsic type and related to push factors; difficulty with finding capital, existence of red tape, and high labor turnover rate are major entrepreneurial problems. There are favorable entrepreneurial opportunities in general, but exploitation of these is contingent on appropriate support. Based on the literature review and synthesis as well as the case study, transitional economies need more competitive, liberal, and transparent business environments to be supported by more developed financial systems and a more efficient labor force. Further, two future research areas on transitional economies are suggested and an update on Kyrgyzstan is included.

  • articleFree Access

    China in Central Asia: Local Perceptions from Future Elites

    China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) seems to have exhibited its goodwill by aiming to integrate its neighbors peacefully and cooperatively into joint economic prosperity; nevertheless, there are various concerns about the implications of China’s mounting influence in Central Asia. This article attempts to compare the results of several small-scale surveys conducted among university students in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, so as to get a glimpse of local perceptions in Central Asia on the growing Chinese influence in their countries. Our primary survey analysis shows that Kazakhstani respondents tend to believe China has the biggest influence in Central Asia, while Kyrgyzstani respondents believe that Russia outperforms China in status in the region. However, both Kyrgyzstani and Kazakhstani respondents believe that Russia’s influence will largely decline and be overtaken by China in the next decade. Although our respondents have some awareness of China’s presence in their countries and an understanding of China’s influence, they do not consider the Chinese development model a suitable one for their country. China’s much advocated Belt and Road Initiative has not seemed to reach the radar of the young respondents included in this study.

  • articleOpen Access

    Making Friends with Neighbors?: Local Perceptions of Russia and China in Kyrgyzstan

    Many studies have compared the Russian and Chinese projects currently underway in the Central Asian region, namely the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB), both of which seek to increase integration with Central Asian states. Yet little attention has been paid to how these endeavors are perceived locally by Central Asians themselves. This article aims to fill this gap by presenting the findings of a comparative discourse analysis of perceptions of Russia and China in online Russian-language media in Kyrgyzstan. The research reveals that while Russia’s role in the region has been seen primarily in political terms and China’s role chiefly in economic terms, these perceptions are changing, and that a growing percentage of articles are devoted to economics in the case of Russia and politics in the case of China. Another finding from this research is that China receives a greater percentage of positive coverage than Russia. It is suggested that as two important poles in the emerging multi-polar world, China and Russia should ensure their respective projects complement, rather than conflict, with one another in the region.