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    Luminescence experiments in magnetic fields up to 28 T on a freestanding gallium nitride (GaN) sample and a heteroepitaxial GaN layer lightly doped with silicon are presented. In these samples, the principal D0X recombination channel is accompanied by two electron satellites (TES), which involve the excited donor states as well as by the longitudinal-optic (LO) phonon replica of the principal transitions. When the internal donor excitations are magnetically tuned into resonance with the LO-phonon excitation, the intensity of TES is strongly enhanced and clear avoided-crossings between the LO-phonon replica of the principal D0X transition and TES involving highly excited states of oxygen and silicon are resolved. The observed behavior is explained in terms of resonant interaction between LO-phonons and donor-bound electrons. It is found that the resonant magnetopolaron interaction is stronger for the oxygen as compared to the silicon donor.