Taking a loop algebra
we obtain an integrable soliton hierarchy which is similar to the well-known Kaup–Newell (KN) hierarchy, but it is not. We call it a modified KN (mKN) hierarchy. Then two new enlarged loop algebras of the loop algebra
are established, respectively, which are used to establish isospectral problems. Thus, two various types of integrable soliton-equation hierarchies along with multi-component potential functions are obtained. Their Hamiltonian structures are also obtained by the variational identity. The second hierarchy is integrable couplings of the mKN hierarchy. This paper provides a clue for generating loop algebras, specially, gives an approach for producing new integrable systems. If we obtain a new soliton hierarchy, we could deduce its symmetries, conserved laws, Darboux transformations, soliton solutions and so on. Hence, the way presented in the paper is an important aspect to obtain new integrable systems in soliton theory.