In this paper, we examine the radially excited states of B-mesons: B±,B±∗,B0∗s,B0s,B±∗c and B±c-mesons. Our investigation uses the relativistic independent quark model, which relies on a flavor-independent average potential expressed in the scalar and vector square root form. We make phenomenological fit the potential model parameters, a=0.885 GeV, U0=−1.070 GeV for calculation of 1S state of B-mesons: B±(5.272GeV),B±∗ (5.329GeV), B0s(5.360GeV),B0∗s(5.429GeV),B±C(6.0593GeV), B±∗C(6.2604GeV), which aligns well with theoretical and experimental data. For higher radially excited states (2S, 3S, 4S, 5S), we adjust U0=−1.344 GeV while keeping “a” fixed, yielding results consistent with other theoretical models. With these parameters, we compute the pseudoscalar and vector meson decay constants, magnetic transition rates, non-leptonic decay widths, branching fractions, rare decay widths, and semileptonic decay widths and branching fractions of the B-mesons. Our findings show reasonable agreement with lattice QCD calculations, experimental results and other theoretical predictions. For instance, our predicted radiative decay width for B∗c (1S) → Bc(1S)γ, sensitive to the B∗c and Bc, mass difference, can aid in experimentally determining the B∗c, mass. Predicted non-leptonic branching fractions, such as B0→D−ρ+(6.393×10−3), B0→D−k+(2.148×10−4) and B0S→D−Sk+(2.188×10−4), align with PDG values of (7.6±1.2)×10−3,(2.05±0.08)×10−4 and (2.25±0.12)×10−4. Additionally, we calculate the dileptonic decays of B0→μ+μ−(2.245×10−10) and B0S→μ+μ−(3.506×10−9), which agrees with CMS, LHCb and PDG results. Our semileptonic decays of B0 and B0S mesons are computed and compared with PDG results. Furthermore, the results obtained for mass difference, ΔM(0.509ps−1 and 17.699ps−1), mixing parameters, xq(0.771 and 26.82), χq (0.1866 and 0.4993) of B0−ˉB0 and B0S−ˉB0S oscillations, shows good agreement with PDG data, validating our model.