Let d≥2d≥2. In this paper, we study weak solutions for the following type of stochastic differential equations: dXt=dSt+b(s+t,Xt)dt, t≥0, X0=xdXt=dSt+b(s+t,Xt)dt, t≥0, X0=x, where (s,x)∈ℝ+×ℝd is the starting point, b:ℝ+×ℝd→ℝd is measurable, and S=(St)t≥0 is a d-dimensional centered α-stable process with index α∈(1,2). We show that if the centered α-stable process S is non-degenerate and b∈L∞loc(ℝ+;L∞(ℝd))+Lqloc(ℝ+;Lp(ℝd)) for some p,q>0 with d/p+α/q<α−1, then the above SDE has a unique weak solution for every starting point (s,x)∈ℝ+×ℝd.