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  • articleNo Access

    Projection invariant extending rings

    A ring R is said to be right π-extending if every projection invariant right ideal of R is essential in a direct summand of R. In this article, we investigate the transfer of the π-extending condition between a ring R and its various ring extensions. More specifically, we characterize the right π-extending generalized triangular matrix rings; and we show that if RR is π-extending, then so is TT where T is an overring of R which is an essential extension of R, an n×n upper triangular matrix ring of R, a column finite or column and row finite matrix ring over R, or a certain type of trivial extension of R.

  • articleNo Access

    Automorphisms of the zero-divisor graph of 2×2 matrix ring over ps

    Let ps be the ring of integers modulo ps where p is a prime and s(1) is a positive integer, R=M2×2(ps) the 2×2 matrix ring over ps. The zero-divisor graph of R, written as Γ(R), is a directed graph whose vertices are nonzero zero-divisors of R, and there is a directed edge from a vertex A to a vertex B if and only if AB=0. In this paper, we completely determine the automorphisms of Γ(R).

  • articleNo Access

    Generalized fine rings

    As introduced by Cǎlugǎreanu and Lam in [G. Cǎlugǎreanu and T. Y. Lam, Fine rings: a new class of simple rings, J. Algebra Appl.15(9) (2016) 1650173, 18 pp.], a fine ring is a ring whose every nonzero element is the sum of a unit and a nilpotent. As a natural generalization of fine rings, a ring is called a generalized fine ring if every element not in the Jacobson radical is the sum of a unit and a nilpotent. Here some known results on fine rings are extended to generalized fine rings. A notable result states that matrix rings over generalized fine rings are generalized fine, extending the important result in [G. Cǎlugǎreanu and T. Y. Lam, Fine rings: a new class of simple rings, J. Algebra Appl.15(9) (2016) 1650173, 18 pp.] that matrix rings over fine rings are fine.

  • articleNo Access

    Hamiltonian trace graph of matrices

    Let R be a commutative ring with identity, n2 be a positive integer and Mn(R) be the set of all n×n matrices over R. For a matrix AMn(R), Tr(A) is the trace of A. The trace graph of the matrix ring Mn(R), denoted by Γt(Mn(R)), is the simple undirected graph with vertex set {AMn(R):there exists BMn(R) such that Tr(AB)=0} and two distinct vertices A and B are adjacent if and only if Tr(AB)=0. The ideal-based trace graph of the matrix ring Mn(R) with respect to an ideal I of R, denoted by ΓIt(Mn(R)), is the simple undirected graph with vertex set Mn(R)Mn(I) and two distinct vertices A and B are adjacent if and only if Tr(AB)I. In this paper, we investigate some properties and structure of ΓIt(Mn(R)). Further, it is proved that both Γt(Mn(R)) and ΓIt(Mn(R)) are Hamiltonian.

  • articleNo Access

    π-Rickart rings

    In this paper, we introduce and investigate three new versions of the Rickart condition for rings. These conditions, as well as, three new corresponding regularities are defined using projection invariance. We show how these conditions relate to each other as well as their connections to the well-known Baer, Rickart, quasi-Baer, p.q.-Baer, regular, and biregular conditions. Applications to polynomial extensions and to triangular and full matrix rings are provided. Examples illustrate and delimit results.

  • articleNo Access

    Generalizations of reversible and Armendariz rings

    This paper concerns several ring theoretic properties related to matrices and polynomials. The basic properties of π-reversible and power-Armendariz are studied. We provide a method by which one can always construct a power-Armendariz ring but neither symmetric nor Armendariz from given any symmetric ring. We investigate next various interesting relations among ring theoretic properties containing π-reversibility and power-Armendariz condition.

  • articleNo Access


    We introduce the set S(R) of "strong zero-divisors" in a ring R and prove that: if S(R) is finite, then R is either finite or a prime ring. When certain sets of ideals have ACC or DCC, we show that either S(R) = R or S(R) is a union of prime ideals each of which is a left or a right annihilator of a cyclic ideal. This is a finite union when R is a Noetherian ring. For a ring R with |S(R)| = p, a prime number, we characterize R for S(R) to be an ideal. Moreover R is completely characterized when R is a ring with identity and S(R) is an ideal with p2 elements. We then consider rings R for which S(R)= Z(R), the set of zero-divisors, and determine strong zero-divisors of matrix rings over commutative rings with identity.

  • articleNo Access


    A ring R is called pseudopolar if for every a ∈ R there exists p2 = p ∈ R such that p ∈ comm2(a), a + p ∈ U(R) and akp ∈ J(R) for some positive integer k. Pseudopolar rings are closely related to strongly π-regular rings, uniquely strongly clean rings, semiregular rings and strongly π-rad clean rings. In this paper, we completely characterize the local rings R for which M2(R) is pseudopolar.

  • articleNo Access

    Reflexive property on nil ideals

    We in this note consider the reflexive ring property on nil ideals, introducing the concept of a nil-reflexive ring as a generalization of the reflexive ring property. We will call a ring Rnil-reflexive if IJ=0 implies JI=0 for nil ideals I,J of R. The polynomial and the power series rings over a right Noetherian ring (or an NI ring) R are shown to be nil-reflexive if (aRb)2=0 implies aRb=0 for all a,bN(R). We further investigate the structure of nil-reflexive rings, related to various sorts of ring extensions which have roles in ring theory.

  • articleNo Access

    Reflexive property restricted to nilpotents

    Mason introduced the reflexive property for ideals, and recently this concept was extended to many sorts of subsets in rings. In this note, we restrict the reflexivity to nilpotent elements, and a ring will be said to be RNP if it satisfies this restriction. The structure of RNP rings is studied in relation to the near concepts and ring extensions which have roles in ring theory.

  • articleNo Access

    Automorphisms of the co-maximal ideal graph over matrix ring

    Let Fq be a finite field with q elements, R0=Mn(Fq) be the ring of all n×n matrices over Fq, L(R0) be the set of all nontrivial left ideals of R0. The co-maximal ideal graph of R0, denoted by C(R0), is a graph with L(R0) as vertex set and two nontrivial left ideals I,J of R0 are adjacent if and only if I+J=R0. If n=2, it is easy to see that C(R0) is a complete graph, thus any permutation of vertices of C(R0) is an automorphism of C(R0). A natural problem is: How about the automorphisms of C(R0) when n3. In this paper, we aim to solve this problem. When n3, a mapping σ on L(R0) is proved to be an automorphism of C(R0) if and only if there is an invertible matrix xR0 and a field automorphism f of Fq such that σ(I)=f(I)x for any IL(R0), where f(I)x={f(z)x | zI} and f(z)=[f(zij)]n×n for z=[zij]n×nR0.

  • articleNo Access

    The fineness properties of Morita contexts

    Let R = (AMNB) be a Morita context. For generalized fine (respectively, generalized unit-fine) rings A and B, it is proved that R is generalized fine (respectively, generalized unit-fine) if and only if, for aA and bB, MbNJ(A) implies bJ(B) and NaMJ(B) implies aJ(A). Especially, for fine (respectively, unit-fine) rings A and B, R is fine (respectively, unit-fine) if and only if, for aA and bB, MbN=0 implies b=0 and NaM=0 implies a=0. As consequences, (1) matrix rings over fine (respectively, unit-fine, generalized fine and generalized unit-fine) rings are fine (respectively, unit-fine, generalized fine and generalized unit-fine); (2) a sufficient condition for a simple ring to be fine (respectively, unit-fine) is obtained: a simple ring R is fine (respectively, unit-fine) if both eRe and (1e)R(1e) are fine (respectively, unit-fine) for some e2=eR; and (3) a question of Cǎlugǎreanu [1] on unit-fine matrix rings is affirmatively answered.

  • articleNo Access

    Square element graph of square-subtract rings

    If R is a ring then the square element graph 𝕊q(R) is the simple undirected graph whose vertex set consists of all non-zero elements of R and two distinct vertices u,v are adjacent if and only if u+v=x2 for some xR{0}. In this paper, we provide some necessary and sufficient conditions for the connectedness of 𝕊q(R), where R is a ring with identity. We mainly characterize some special class of ring R which we call square-subtract ring for which the graph 𝕊q(Mn(R)) is connected.