TiC/TiN-reinforced composite coatings were fabricated on the substrate of Ti–6Al–4V alloy using laser remelting. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to identify the phases in the laser-clad composite coating; the interface characterization of the dilution zone-clad zone (IDC) and the dilution zone-heat-affected zone (IDH) was observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the microstructure of a cross-section has stratification characterization, and consists of the clad zone (CZ), the dilution zone (DZ), the diffusion layer (DL) and the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The layer-by-layer microstructure results from the boundary layer phenomenon of viscous melt-fluid and diffusion. The kind of reinforced particle has an effect on the interface morphology, microstructure and flow characterization of the melt-fluid. The phase constitution in the clad zone consists of (Cr–Ni–Fe), TiC, Ni4B3, Ti2Ni, Cr2B and M23C6 for TiC+NiCrBSi coating, and (Cr–Ni–Fe), TiN, NiB, Cr2Ti and Ti2Ni for TiN+NiCrBSi coating. The interfaces of the IDC in the NiCrBSi-clad layer is clear and clean; those of TiC+NiCrBSi and TiN+NiCrBSi are illegible. Ti–Ni phases with acicular microstructure link dilution zone and clad zone, and two kinds of phase with acicular microstructure, are similar in composition and shape.