Starting from an
supersymmetric electric gauge theory with the multiple product gauge group and the bifundamentals, we apply Seiberg dual to each gauge group, obtain the
supersymmetric dual magnetic gauge theories with dual matters including the gauge singlets. Then we describe the intersecting brane configurations, where there are NS-branes and D4-branes (and anti-D4-branes), of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of this gauge theory.
We also discuss the case where the orientifold 4-planes are added into the above brane configuration. Next, by adding an orientifold 6-plane, we apply to an
supersymmetric electric gauge theory with the multiple product gauge group (where a single symplectic or orthogonal gauge group is present) and the bifundamentals. Finally, we describe the other cases where the orientifold 6-plane intersects with NS-brane.