This study examined the free vibration of a three-layered annular microplate, whose core and face sheets are composed of functionally graded saturated porous (FGSP) materials and functionally graded-graphene platelet-reinforced composites (FG-GPLRC), respectively. The microplate is supported by an elastic base, with the mechanical characteristics of all layers varying along the thickness direction. Employing the extended dynamic formulation of Hamilton’s principle, the equations of motion and boundary conditions are derived from the modified version of couple stress and first-order shear deformation theories, subsequently solved using the generalized differential quadrature method as an effective numerical approach. The study examines the impact of many parameters, including pore distributions, porosity coefficient, pore compressibility, dispersion patterns of graphene platelets, elastic foundation, small-scale parameter, and microplate aspect ratio. The results of this study may be beneficial for the construction of lightweight and sophisticated buildings.