Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, 𝔞 an ideal of R and M an R-module with dimM=d. We get equivalent conditions for top local cohomology module Hd𝔞(M) to be Artinian and 𝔞-cofinite Artinian separately. In addition, we prove that if (R,𝔪) is a local ring such that ExtiR(R/𝔞,M) is minimax, for each i≤d, then ExtiR(N,M) is minimax R-module for each i≥0 and for each finitely generated R-module N with dimN≤2 and SuppR(N)⊆V(𝔞). As a consequence we prove that if dimR/𝔞=2 and SuppR(M)⊆V(𝔞), then M is 𝔞-cominimax if (and only if) HomR(R/𝔞,M), Ext1R(R/𝔞,M) and Ext2R(R/𝔞,M) are minimax. We also prove that if dimR/𝔞=2 and n∈ℕ0 such that ExtiR(R/𝔞,M) is minimax for all i≤n+1, then Hi𝔞(M) is 𝔞-cominimax for all i<n if (and only if) HomR(R/𝔞,Hi𝔞(M)) is minimax for all i≤n.