We study the modularity of the function u(τ)=C(τ)C(2τ)u(τ)=C(τ)C(2τ), where C(τ)C(τ) is Ramanujan’s cubic continued fraction. It is an analogue of Ramanujan’s function k(τ)=r(τ)r(2τ)2k(τ)=r(τ)r(2τ)2, where r(τ)r(τ) is the Rogers–Ramanujan continued fraction. We first prove the modularity of u(τ)u(τ) and express C(τ)C(τ) and C(2τ)C(2τ) in terms of u(τ)u(τ). Subsequently, we find modular equations of u(τ)u(τ) of level nn for every positive integer nn by using affine models of modular curves. Finally, we demonstrate that the value of u(τ)u(τ) generates the ray class field over an imaginary quadratic field modulo 2 for some ττ in an imaginary quadratic field.