In this paper, we construct a model with the help of modular symmetry in the framework of minimal inverse seesaw [ISS(2,3)]. We have used Γ(3) modular group which is isomorphic to non-Abelian discrete symmetry group A4. In this group, there are three Yukawa modular forms of weight 2. In this model, we study neutrino masses and mixings for both normal and inverted hierarchies. Use of modular symmetry reduces the need for more number of extra flavons and their specific VEV alignments, as such, minimality of the model is maintained to a great extent. Along with A4 symmetry group, we have used Z3 to restrict certain interaction terms in the Lagrangian. Further, we calculate the effective mass to address the phenomena of neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ). The values of effective mass are found to lie within the bound (meff<0.165eV) as predicted by different 0νββ experiments.