Let R be an associative ring with identity and Z*(R) be its set of non-zero zero-divisors. The undirected zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by Γ(R), is the graph whose vertices are the non-zero zero-divisors of R, and where two distinct vertices r and s are adjacent if and only if rs = 0 or sr = 0. The distance between vertices a and b is the length of the shortest path connecting them, and the diameter of the graph, diam(Γ(R)), is the superimum of these distances. In this paper, first we prove some results about Γ(R) of a semi-commutative ring R. Then, for a reversible ring R and a unique product monoid M, we prove 0≤ diam(Γ(R))≤ diam(Γ(R[M]))≤3. We describe all the possibilities for the pair diam(Γ(R)) and diam(Γ(R[M])), strictly in terms of the properties of a ring R, where R is a reversible ring and M is a unique product monoid. Moreover, an example showing the necessity of our assumptions is provided.