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  • articleOpen Access

    Existence, concentration and multiplicity of solutions for (p,N)-Laplacian equations with convolution term

    In this paper, we concern some qualitative properties of the following (p,N)-Laplacian equations with convolution term:

    where 𝜀 is a positive parameter, 0<μ<N, max{2,(2Nμ)/2}<p<N<p, p=pN/(Np), V𝒞(N,) and f𝒞(,) satisfies the critical exponential growth. By using the variational methods and the penalization method, we prove the existence of solutions for the above equations which concentrates at a local minimum of V in the semi-classical limit as 𝜀0. Moreover, we obtain the multiplicity of solutions for the above equations by the Morse theory.

  • articleNo Access

    Convexity of momentum map, Morse index, and quantum entanglement

    We analyze from the topological perspective the space of all SLOCC (Stochastic Local Operations with Classical Communication) classes of pure states for composite quantum systems. We do it for both distinguishable and indistinguishable particles. In general, the topology of this space is rather complicated as it is a non-Hausdorff space. Using geometric invariant theory (GIT) and momentum map geometry, we propose a way to divide the space of all SLOCC classes into mathematically and physically meaningful families. Each family consists of possibly many "asymptotically" equivalent SLOCC classes. Moreover, each contains exactly one distinguished SLOCC class on which the total variance (a well-defined measure of entanglement) of the state Var[v] attains maximum. We provide an algorithm for finding critical sets of Var[v], which makes use of the convexity of the momentum map and allows classification of such defined families of SLOCC classes. The number of families is in general infinite. We introduce an additional refinement into finitely many groups of families using some developments in the momentum map geometry known as the Kirwan–Ness stratification. We also discuss how to define it equivalently using the convexity of the momentum map applied to SLOCC classes. Moreover, we note that the Morse index at the critical set of the total variance of state has an interpretation of number of non-SLOCC directions in which entanglement increases and calculate it for several exemplary systems. Finally, we introduce the SLOCC-invariant measure of entanglement as a square root of the total variance of state at the critical point and explain its geometric meaning.

  • articleNo Access

    Yang–Mills theories on geometric spaces

    The mathematical development of Yang–Mills theory is an extremely fruitful subject. The purpose of this paper is to give non-experts and researchers in interdisciplinary areas a quick overview of some history, key ideas and recent developments in this subject.

  • articleNo Access


    An affine manifold is a manifold with an affine structure, i.e. a torsion-free flat affine connection. We show that the universal cover of a closed affine 3-manifold M with holonomy group of shrinkable dimension (or discompacité in French) less than or equal to two is diffeomorphic to R3. Hence, M is irreducible. This follows from two results: (i) a simply connected affine 3-manifold which is 2-convex is diffeomorphic to R3, whose proof using the Morse theory takes most of this paper; and (ii) a closed affine manifold of holonomy of shrinkable dimension less or equal to d is d-convex. To prove (i), we show that 2-convexity is a geometric form of topological incompressibility of level sets. As a consequence, we show that the universal cover of a closed affine three-manifold with parallel volume form is diffeomorphic to R3, a part of the weak Markus conjecture. As applications, we show that the universal cover of a hyperbolic 3-manifold with cone-type singularity of arbitrarily assigned cone-angles along a link removed with the singular locus is diffeomorphic to R3. A fake cell has an affine structure as shown by Gromov. Such a cell must have a concave point at the boundary.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we consider the problem of multiplicity of conformal metrics that are equivalent to the Euclidean metric, with zero scalar curvature and prescribed mean curvature on the boundary of the ball 𝔹n, n ≥ 4. Under the assumption that the order of flatness at critical points of the prescribed mean curvature function H(x) is β∈(n-2, n-1), we establish some Morse inequalities at infinity, which give a lower bound on the number of solutions to the above problem, in terms of the total contribution of its critical points at infinity to the difference of topology between the level sets of the associated Euler–Lagrange functional. As a by-product of our arguments, we derive a new existence result through an Euler–Hopf type formula.

  • articleNo Access

    Antiperfection of Yang–Mills Morse theory over a nonorientable surface

    We use Morse theory of the Yang–Mills functional to compute the Betti numbers of the moduli stack of flat U(3)-bundles over a compact nonorientable surface. Our result establishes the antiperfection conjecture of Ho–Liu, and establishes the equivariant formality conjecture of the author for U(3)-bundles.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, Morse theory under general boundary conditions is used to study the Nirenberg's problem on hemi-sphere formula: Given a smooth function K on hemi-sphere formula, with the standard metric, whether a conformal metric can be found, so that the Gaussian curvature equals to K and the boundary is again a geodesic curve.

    It turns out that if deg (Ω, ∂θK, 0) ≠ 1, where formula, ∂nK is the exterior normal derivative and ∂θK is the tangential derivative, then the Nirenberg's problem has a solution.

  • articleNo Access


    We define a new one-form HA based on the second fundamental tensor formula, the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern form can be novelly expressed with this one-form. Using the ϕ-mapping theory we find that the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern density can be expressed in terms of the δ-function δ(ϕ) and the relationship between the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern theorem and Hopf–Poincaré theorem is given straightforwardly. The topological current of the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern theorem and its topological structure are discussed in details. At last, the Morse theory formula of the Euler characteristic is generalized.

  • articleNo Access


    We construct a deformed oscillator whose energy spectra is similar to that of a Morse potential. We obtain a convenient algebraic representation of the displacement and the momentum of a Morse oscillator by expanding them in terms of deformed creation and annihilation operators and we compute their average values between approximate coherent states of the deformed oscillator, and we compare them to the results obtained using the exact Morse coordinate and momenta. Finally we evaluate the temporal evolution of the dispersion (Δx)(Δp) and show that these states are not minimum uncertainty states.

  • articleNo Access

    Black holes and topological surgery

    We directly connect topological changes that can occur in mathematical three-space via surgery, with black hole formation, the formation of wormholes and new generalizations of these phenomena. This work widens the bridge between topology and natural sciences and creates a new platform for exploring geometrical physics.

  • articleNo Access

    A lower bound on critical points of the electric potential of a knot

    Consider a knot K in S3 with charge uniformly distributed on it. From the standpoint of both physics and knot theory, it is natural to try to understand the critical points of the potential and their behavior.

    We show the number of critical points of the potential is at least 2t(K)+2, where t(K) is the tunnel number, defined as the smallest number of arcs one must add to K such that its complement is a handlebody. The result is proven using Morse theory and stable manifold theory.

  • articleNo Access


    A three-dimensional (3D) theoretical morphospace of gomphonemoid and cymbelloid diatoms was skeletonized using concepts from extended Reeb graph analysis and Morse theory. The resultant skeleton tree was matched to a cladogram of the same group of related taxa using adjacency matrices of the trees and ordinated with multidimensional scaling (MDS) of leaf nodes. From this, an unweighted path matrix based on the number of branches between leaf nodes was ordinated to determine degree of matched tree structures. A constrained MDS of the path matrix, weighted by ranked MDS leaf node groups as facets, was used to interpret taxon environmental tolerances and habitat preferences with respect to adaptive value. The methods developed herein provided a way to combine results from morphological and phylogenetic analyses and interpret those results with respect to an aspect of evolutionary process, namely, adaptation.

  • articleNo Access


    Let formula be the 2-dimensional unit disk and formula. For suitably small H>0, we consider the Dirichlet problem for H-systems

    It is well-known that (H) admits at least two distinct solutions for non-constant γ and small H>0. In this paper, we introduce conditions on γ and develop methods of finding at least three distinct solutions to (H) under such conditions on γ.

  • articleNo Access


    In this work we prove some multiplicity results for solutions of a system of elliptic quasilinear equations, involving the p-Laplace operator (p > 2). The proof are based on variational and topological arguments and makes use of new perturbation results in Morse theory for the Banach space formula.

  • articleNo Access


    We consider a quasilinear equation, involving the p-Laplace operator, with a p-superlinear nonlinearity. We prove the existence of a nontrivial solution, also when there is no mountain pass geometry, without imposing a global sign condition. Techniques of Morse theory are employed.

  • articleNo Access

    Multiple solutions for the p-Laplacian equations with concave nonlinearities via Morse theory

    In this paper, by Morse theory, we study the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the p-Laplacian equation with a “concave” nonlinearity and a parameter. In our results, we do not need any additional global condition on the nonlinearities, except for a subcritical growth condition.

  • articleNo Access

    Existence results for double-phase problems via Morse theory

    We obtain nontrivial solutions for a class of double-phase problems using Morse theory. In the absence of a direct sum decomposition, we use a cohomological local splitting to get an estimate of the critical groups at zero.

  • articleNo Access

    Critical groups and multiple solutions for Kirchhoff type equations with critical exponents

    In this paper, by Morse theory we will study the Kirchhoff type equation with an additional critical nonlinear term, and the main results are to compute the critical groups including the cases where zero is a mountain pass solution and the nonlinearity is resonant at zero. As an application, the multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for this equation with the parameter across the first eigenvalue is investigated under appropriate assumptions. To our best knowledge, estimates of our critical groups are new even for the Kirchhoff type equations with subcritical nonlinearities.

  • articleNo Access

    Morse inequalities at infinity for a resonant mean field equation

    In this paper, we study the following mean field type equation:

    (MF)Δgu=ϱ(KeuΣKeudVg1)in Σ,
    where (Σ,g) is a closed oriented surface of unit volume Volg(Σ) = 1, K positive smooth function and ϱ=8πm, m. Building on the critical points at infinity approach initiated in [M. Ahmedou, M. Ben Ayed and M. Lucia, On a resonant mean field type equation: A “critical point at infinity” approach, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 37(4) (2017) 1789–1818] we develop, under generic condition on the function K and the metric g, a full Morse theory by proving Morse inequalities relating the Morse indices of the critical points, the indices of the critical points at infinity, and the Betti numbers of the space of formal barycenters Bm(Σ). We derive from these Morse inequalities at infinity various new existence as well as multiplicity results of the mean field equation in the resonant case, i.e. ϱ8π.

  • articleNo Access

    Multiple positive solutions for a p-Laplace Benci–Cerami type problem (1<p<2), via Morse theory

    Let us consider the quasilinear problem

    (P𝜀){𝜀pΔpu+up1=f(u)in Ω,u>0in Ω,u=0onΩ,
    where Ω is a bounded domain in N with smooth boundary, N2, 1<p<2, 𝜀>0 is a parameter and f: is a continuous function with f(0)=0, having a subcritical growth. We prove that there exists 𝜀>0 such that, for every 𝜀(0,𝜀), (P𝜀) has at least 2𝒫1(Ω)1 solutions, possibly counted with their multiplicities, where 𝒫t(Ω) is the Poincaré polynomial of Ω. Using Morse techniques, we furnish an interpretation of the multiplicity of a solution, in terms of positive distinct solutions of a quasilinear equation on Ω, approximating (P𝜀).