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The Collected Papers of Stephen Smale
The Collected Papers of Stephen Smale

In 3 Volumes
edited by F Cucker and R Wong
Fields Medallists' Lectures
Fields Medallists' Lectures

3th Edition
edited by Sir Michael Atiyah, Daniel Iagolnitzer and Chitat Chongx


  • articleNo Access

    Some remarks on modified diagonals

    We prove a number of basic vanishing results for modified diagonal classes. We also obtain some sharp results for modified diagonals of curves and abelian varieties, and we prove a conjecture of O’Grady about modified diagonals on double covers.

  • articleOpen Access

    On the motive of O’Grady’s ten-dimensional hyper-Kähler varieties

    We investigate how the motive of hyper-Kähler varieties is controlled by weight-2 (or surface-like) motives via tensor operations. In the first part, we study the Voevodsky motive of singular moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on K3 and abelian surfaces as well as the Chow motive of their crepant resolutions, when they exist. We show that these motives are in the tensor subcategory generated by the motive of the surface, provided that a crepant resolution exists. This extends a recent result of Bülles to the O’Grady-10 situation. In the non-commutative setting, similar results are proved for the Chow motive of moduli spaces of (semi-)stable objects of the K3 category of a cubic fourfold. As a consequence, we provide abundant examples of hyper-Kähler varieties of O’Grady-10 deformation type satisfying the standard conjectures. In the second part, we study the André motive of projective hyper-Kähler varieties. We attach to any such variety its defect group, an algebraic group which acts on the cohomology and measures the difference between the full motive and its weight-2 part. When the second Betti number is not 3, we show that the defect group is a natural complement of the Mumford–Tate group inside the motivic Galois group, and that it is deformation invariant. We prove the triviality of this group for all known examples of projective hyper-Kähler varieties, so that in each case the full motive is controlled by its weight-2 part. As applications, we show that for any variety motivated by a product of known hyper-Kähler varieties, all Hodge and Tate classes are motivated, the motivated Mumford–Tate conjecture 7.3 holds, and the André motive is abelian. This last point completes a recent work of Soldatenkov and provides a different proof for some of his results.

  • articleNo Access

    Zero-cycles on double EPW sextics

    The Chow rings of hyperKähler varieties are conjectured to have a particularly rich structure. In this paper, we focus on the locally complete family of double EPW sextics and establish some properties of their Chow rings. First, we prove a Beauville–Voisin type theorem for zero-cycles on double EPW sextics; precisely, we show that the codimension-4 part of the subring of the Chow ring of a double EPW sextic generated by divisors, the Chern classes and codimension-2 cycles invariant under the anti-symplectic covering involution has rank one. Second, for double EPW sextics birational to the Hilbert square of a K3 surface, we show that the action of the anti-symplectic involution on the Chow group of zero-cycles commutes with the Fourier decomposition of Shen–Vial.

  • articleOpen Access

    On motives of parabolic Higgs bundles and parabolic connections

    Let X be a compact Riemann surface of genus g2 and let DX be a fixed finite subset. We considered the moduli spaces of parabolic Higgs bundles and of parabolic connections over X with the parabolic structure over D. For generic weights, we showed that these two moduli spaces have equal Grothendieck motivic classes and their E-polynomials are the same. We also show that the Voevodsky and Chow motives of these two moduli spaces are also equal. We showed that the Grothendieck motivic classes and the E-polynomials of parabolic Higgs moduli and of parabolic Hodge moduli are closely related. Finally, we considered the moduli spaces with fixed determinants and showed that the above results also hold for the fixed determinant case.

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    In [A formulation of conjectures on p-adic zeta functions in non-commutative Iwasawa theory, in Proc. St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Vol. 12, American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2, Vol. 219 (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006), pp. 1–85] Fukaya and Kato presented equivariant Tamagawa number conjectures that implied a very general (non-commutative) Iwasawa main conjecture for rather general motives. In this article we apply their methods to the case of one-parameter families of motives to derive a main conjecture for such families. On our way there we get some unconditional results on the variation of the (algebraic) λ- and μ-invariant. We focus on the results dealing with Selmer complexes instead of the more classical notion of Selmer groups. However, where possible we give the connection to the classical notions.

  • articleNo Access

    Degeneration of Hodge structures over Picard modular surfaces

    We study variations of Hodge structures over a Picard modular surface, and compute the weights and types of their degenerations through the cusps of the Baily–Borel compactification. These computations are one of the key inputs which allow Wildeshaus [On the interior motive of certain Shimura varieties: the case of Picard surfaces, Manuscripta Math.148(3) (2015) 351–377] to construct motives associated with Picard modular forms.

  • articleNo Access

    The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty–Kim Theory I

    Polylogarithms are those multiple polylogarithms that factor through a certain quotient of the de Rham fundamental group of the thrice punctured line known as the polylogarithmic quotient. Building on work of Dan-Cohen, Wewers, and Brown, we push the computational boundary of our explicit motivic version of Kim’s method in the case of the thrice punctured line over an open subscheme of Spec . To do so, we develop a greatly refined version of the algorithm of Dan-Cohen tailored specifically to this case, and we focus attention on the polylogarithmic quotient. This allows us to restrict our calculus with motivic iterated integrals to the so-called depth-one part of the mixed Tate Galois group studied extensively by Goncharov. We also discover an interesting consequence of the symmetry-breaking nature of the polylog quotient that forces us to symmetrize our polylogarithmic version of Kim’s conjecture. In this first part of a two-part series, we focus on a specific example, which allows us to verify an interesting new case of Kim’s conjecture.