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We consider the dynamical effects of electromagnetic flux on the discrete Chialvo neuron model. It is shown that the model can exhibit rich dynamical behaviors such as multistability, firing patterns, antimonotonicity, closed invariant curves, various routes to chaos, and fingered chaotic attractors. The system enters a chaos regime via period-doubling cascades, reverse period-doubling route, antimonotonicity, and via a closed invariant curve to chaos. The results were confirmed using the techniques of bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponent diagram, phase portraits, basins of attraction, and numerical continuation of bifurcations. Different global bifurcations are also shown to exist via numerical continuation. After understanding a single neuron model, a network of Chialvo neurons is explored. A ring-star network of Chialvo neurons is considered and different dynamical regimes such as synchronous, asynchronous, and chimera states are revealed. Different continuous and piecewise continuous wavy patterns were also found during the simulations for negative coupling strengths.
The coexistence of several stable states for a given set of parameters has been observed in many natural and experimental systems as well as in theoretical models. This paper gives an overview over the wide range of applications in different disciplines of science. Furthermore, different system classes possessing multistability are analyzed in terms of the appearance of coexisting attractors and their basins of attraction. It is shown that multistable systems are very sensitive to perturbations leading to a noise-induced hopping process between attractors. The role of chaotic saddles in the escape from attractors in multistable systems is discussed.
The chaotic system is widely used in chaotic cryptosystem and chaotic secure communication. In this paper, a universal method for designing the discrete chaotic system with any desired number of positive Lyapunov exponents is proposed to meet the needs of hyperchaotic systems in chaotic cryptosystem and chaotic secure communication, and three examples of eight-dimensional discrete system with chaotic attractors, eight-dimensional discrete system with fixed point attractors and eight-dimensional discrete system with periodic attractors are given to illustrate how the proposed methods control the Lyapunov exponents. Compared to the previous methods, the positive Lyapunov exponents are used to reconstruct a hyperchaotic system.
A new simple four-dimensional equilibrium-free autonomous ODE system is described. The system has seven terms, two quadratic nonlinearities, and only two parameters. Its Jacobian matrix everywhere has rank less than 4. It is hyperchaotic in some regions of parameter space, while in other regions it has an attracting torus that coexists with either a symmetric pair of strange attractors or with a symmetric pair of limit cycles whose basin boundaries have an intricate fractal structure. In other regions of parameter space, it has three coexisting limit cycles and Arnold tongues. Since there are no equilibria, all the attractors are hidden. This combination of features has not been previously reported in any other system, especially one as simple as this.
In this paper, the dynamical behavior of the Lorenz system is examined in a previously unexplored region of parameter space, in particular, where r is zero and b is negative. For certain values of the parameters, the classic butterfly attractor is broken into a symmetric pair of strange attractors, or it shrinks into a small attractor basin intermingled with the basins of a symmetric pair of limit cycles, which means that the system is bistable or tristable under certain conditions. Although the resulting system is no longer a plausible model of fluid convection, it may have application to other physical systems.
We discuss the mechanism leading to the multistability in the externally excited van der Pol–Duffing oscillator. It has been shown that the mechanism (the sequence of bifurcations) leading to the phase multistability in coupled oscillators is the same as the mechanism leading to the bistability in the single oscillator.
In ecology, the predator’s impact goes beyond just killing the prey. In the present work, we explore the role of fear in the dynamics of a discrete-time predator-prey model where the predator-prey interaction obeys Holling type-II functional response. Owing to the increasing strength of fear, the system becomes stable from chaotic oscillations via inverse Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. Extensive numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the intricate dynamics for the organization of periodic structures in the bi-parameter space of the system. We observe fear induced multistability between different pairs of coexisting heterogeneous attractors due to the overlapping of multiple periodic domains in the bi-parameter space. The basin sets of the coexisting attractors are obtained and discussed at length. Multistability in the predator-prey system is important because the dynamics of the predator and prey populations in the critical parameter zone becomes uncertain.
In this paper, a new four-dimensional chaotic flow is proposed. The system has a cyclic symmetry in its structure and shows a complicated, chaotic attractor. The dynamical properties of the system are investigated. The system shows multistability in an interval of its parameter. Fractional order model of the proposed system is discussed in various fractional orders. Bifurcation analysis of the fractional order system shows that it has a kind of multistability like the integer order system, which is a very rare phenomenon. Circuit realization of the proposed system is also carried out to show that it is usable for engineering applications.
In this paper, the recent and emerging phenomenon of hidden oscillations is observed in a newly implemented memristor-based autonomous Duffing oscillator for the first time. The hidden oscillations are presented and quantified by various statistical measures. The system shows a large number of hidden attractors for a wide range of the system parameters. This study indicates that hidden oscillations can exist not only in piecewise-linear but also in smooth nonlinear circuits and systems. The distribution of Lyapunov exponents and the basin of attraction are explored to understand the nature of the hidden oscillations. We have also discussed the new phenomenon of periodic line invariant. An experimental demonstration is also presented using real time analog circuit.
A general method is introduced for controlling the amplitude of the variables in chaotic systems by modifying the degree of one or more of the terms in the governing equations. The method is applied to the Sprott B system as an example to show its flexibility and generality. The method may introduce infinite lines of equilibrium points, which influence the dynamics in the neighborhood of the equilibria and reorganize the basins of attraction, altering the multistability. However, the isolated equilibrium points of the original system and their stability are retained with their basic properties. Electrical circuit implementation shows the convenience of amplitude control, and the resulting oscillations agree well with results from simulation.
Memristors are usually introduced into neuron models as neural synapses to investigate firing activities. In this paper, a novel generic memristor with smooth cosine memductance is proposed, and its dynamic characteristic concerning multistability, which is completely different from any known memristors, is analyzed and validated by numerical and PSIM simulations. The PSIM simulations intuitively reflect the memory properties of the constructed memristor emulator. To investigate the application of the proposed memristor, a multiscroll memristive Hopfield neural network is modeled by introducing the memristor into a tri-neuron Hopfield neural network as a synapse weight. Homogeneous single-scroll and double-scroll multistability phenomena are revealed by utilizing some analytical tools, such as bifurcation diagrams, local attraction basins, phase plane portraits, and so on. It is found that there is a multi-double-scroll attractor with growing scrolls for appropriate parameters. Furthermore, the average Hamiltonian energy, dependent on the homogeneous dynamics, is analyzed based on Helmholtz’s theorem. It is discovered that the homogeneous dynamics is closely related to the energy transition, which may provide a new explanation for the occurrence of multistability in the human brain. Finally, several circuit experiments are carried out to confirm the dynamical behaviors, and it is found that the circuit can show similar dynamics as the numerical simulations.
This review presents an overview of Lorenz models between 1960 and 2008, classified into six categories based on different types of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These models have made significant contributions to our understanding of chaos, the butterfly effect, attractor coexistence, and intransitivity (or “almost intransitivity”) across various scientific fields.
Type I models include the influential Lorenz 1963 model and generalized Lorenz models. The classical Lorenz model laid the groundwork for chaos theory by revealing the sensitivity to initial conditions and chaotic behavior. Generalized Lorenz models were developed to examine the dependence of chaos on the number of Fourier modes and to illustrate attractor coexistence.
Type II models were derived from two-layer, quasi-geostrophic systems. These models investigated nonlinear oscillations and irregular solutions. Based on these models, in 1960, Lorenz first presented nonperiodic solutions. Type III models include the Lorenz 1960 and 1969 models, derived from a vorticity-conserved PDE. These models shed light on nonlinear oscillatory solutions, linearly unstable solutions, and the predictability estimates of the atmosphere. However, recent studies have raised doubts regarding the validity of the two-week predictability limit.
Type IV models, based on shallow water equations, have advanced our understanding of the coexistence of slow and fast variables. Type V models, which include models not based on specific PDEs, include the Lorenz 1984 and 1996 models used for studying intransitivity and investigating data assimilation techniques.
Type VI models, involving difference equations, have proven effective in demonstrating chaos and intransitivity across diverse fields. Interestingly, Lorenz’s early work in 1964 and 1969 employed the Logistic map, appearing earlier than significant studies in the 1970s.
In summary, the study of Lorenz models has deepened our understanding of chaos, attractor coexistence, and intransitivity (or “almost intransitivity”). Future research directions may involve exploring higher-dimensional models, utilizing advanced mathematical and computational techniques, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations to further advance our comprehension and the prediction of capabilities regarding coexisting chaotic and nonchaotic phenomena, as well as regime changes.
Recently, chaotic systems with hidden attractors and multistability have been of great interest in the field of chaos and nonlinear dynamics. Two special categories of systems with multistability are systems with extreme multistability and systems with megastability. In this paper, the simplest (yet) megastable chaotic oscillator is designed and introduced. Dynamical properties of this new system are completely investigated through tools like bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponents, and basin of attraction. It is shown that between its countable infinite coexisting attractors, only one is self-excited and the rest are hidden.
In this paper, the effects of low and fast response speeds of neuron activation gradient of a simple 3D Hopfield neural network are explored. It consists of analyzing the effects of low and high neuron activation gradients on the dynamics. By considering an imbalance of the neuron activation gradients, different electrical activities are induced in the network, which enable the occurrence of several nonlinear behaviors. The significant sensitivity of nontrivial equilibrium points to the activation gradients of the first and second neurons relative to that of the third neuron is reported. The dynamical analysis of the model is done in a wide range of the activation gradient of the second neuron. In this range, the model presents areas of periodic behavior, chaotic behavior and periodic window behavior through complex bifurcations. Interesting behaviors such as the coexistences of two, four, six and eight disconnected attractors, as well as the phenomenon of coexisting antimonotonicity, are reported. These singular results are obtained by using nonlinear dynamics analysis tools such as bifurcation diagrams and largest Lyapunov exponents, phase portraits, power spectra and basins of attraction. Finally, some analog results obtained from PSpice-based simulations further verify the numerical results.
This paper shows some examples of chaotic systems for the six types of only one hyperbolic equilibrium in changed chameleon-like chaotic system. Two of the six cases have hidden attractors. By adjusting the parameters in the system and controlling the stability of only one equilibrium, we can further obtain chaos with four kinds of conditions: (1) index-0 node; (2) index-3 node; (3) index-0 node foci; (4) index-3 node foci. Based on the method of focus quantities, we study three limit cycles (the outmost and inner cycles are stable, and the intermediate cycle is unstable) bifurcating from an isolated Hopf equilibrium. In addition, one periodic solution can be obtained from a nonisolated zero-Hopf equilibrium. The system may help us in better understanding, revealing an intrinsic relationship of the global dynamical behaviors with the stability of equilibrium point, especially hidden chaotic attractors.
In this paper, we propose a guideline for plotting the bifurcation diagrams of chaotic systems. We discuss numerical and mathematical facts in order to obtain more accurate and more elegant bifurcation diagrams. The importance of transient time and the phenomena of critical slowing down are investigated. Some critical issues related to multistability are discussed. Finally, a solution for fast obtaining an accurate sketch of the bifurcation diagram is presented. The solution is based on running the system for only one sample in each parameter value and using the system’s state in the previous value of the parameter as the initial condition.
Since the invention of Chua’s circuit, numerous generalizations based on the substitution of the nonlinear function have been reported. One of the generalizations is obtained by substituting cubic nonlinearity for piece-wise linear (PWL) nonlinearity. Although hidden chaotic attractors with a PWL nonlinearity have been discovered in the classical Chua’s circuit, chaotic attractors with a smooth cubic nonlinearity have long been known as self-excited attractors. Through a systematically exhaustive computer search, this paper identifies coexisting hidden attractors in the smooth cubic Chua’s circuit. Either self-excited or coexisting hidden attractors are now possible in the smooth cubic Chua’s circuit with algebraically elegant values of both initial points and system parameters. The newly found coexisting attractors exhibit an inversion symmetry. Both initial points and system parameters are equally required to localize hidden attractors. Basins of attraction of individual equilibria are illustrated and clearly show critical areas of multistability where a tiny drift in an initial point potentially induces jumps among different basins of attraction and coexisting states. Such multistability poses potential threats to engineering applications. The dynamical regions of hidden and self-excited attractors, and areas of stability of equilibria, are illustrated against two parameter spaces. Both illustrations reveal that two nonzero equilibrium points of the smooth cubic Chua’s circuit have a transition from unstable to stable equilibrium points, leading to generations of self-excited and hidden attractors simultaneously.
In this paper, by modifying a known two-dimensional oscillator, we obtain an interesting new oscillator with coexisting limit cycles and point attractors. Then by changing this new system to its forced version and choosing a proper set of parameters, we introduce a chaotic system with some very interesting features. In this system, not only can we see the coexistence of different types of attractors, but also a fascinating phenomenon: some initial conditions can escape from the gravity of nearby attractors and travel far away before being trapped in an attractor beyond the usual access.
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a one-dimensional piecewise map based on the logistic map, where generalized multistability can be observed. The proposed system has the unique property that the function is symmetric with respect to the origin but not its behavior, furthermore this system can display three types of multistability, and chaos for both, monostable and bistable behaviors. The stability analysis of the proposed system is presented. We describe the structure of bistable regions in the bifurcation diagram. Particular attention is paid to the chaotic regions. Corresponding to coexisting attractors, three scenarios of coexisting attractors, namely fixed points, periodic orbits, and chaotic attractors, can be found, which are unreported behaviors in discrete chaotic systems. The mechanism that leads to multistability phenomenon including pitchfork bifurcation, period-halving bifurcations, and the coexisting invariant sets is demonstrated. Furthermore, the Lyapunov exponent is analyzed with the type of multistability distinguished for a given set of parameters.
A multistable local active meminductor emulator is proposed in this paper. The mathematical model of the emulator circuits is established. Different periodic stimuli are applied to the presented emulators and coexisting stable pinched hysteresis loops are obtained. The results obtained by experimental equips are consistent with the theoretical analysis, which indicates that the proposed emulators can work as a meminductor.