In this paper, we study the phenomenological implications of enforcing one texture zero on the inverse matrix of the neutrino mass matrix MTMν that can lead to the trimaximal mixing. It is found that the condition of M−112=0, M−113=0, M−122=0, M−123=0 or M−133=0 can hold in the case of normal neutrino mass ordering, while the condition of M−111=0, M−112=0, M−113=0, M−122=0 or M−133=0 can hold in the case of inverted neutrino mass ordering, where M−1ij (for i, j=1,2,3) denotes the ij entry of the inverse matrix of MTMν. The ranges of the absolute neutrino mass scale and three CP phases for these cases to hold are studied in some detail. The implications of these cases for the effective neutrino mass Mee which controls the rates of the neutrino-less double beta decay processes are also given.