Recently the evidence of the neutrinoless double β (0νββ) decay has been announced. This means that neutrinos are Majorana particles and their mass hierarchy is forced to certain patterns in the diagonal basis of charged lepton mass matrix. We estimate the magnitude of 0νββ decay in the classification of the neutrino mass hierarchy patterns as Type A, m1,2 ≪ m3, Type B, m1 ~ m2 ≫ m3, and Type C, m1 ~ m2 ~ m3, where mi is the ith generation neutrino absolute mass. The data of 0νββ decay experiment suggest that the neutrino mass hierarchy pattern should be Type B or C. Type B predicts a small magnitude of 0νββ decay which is just edge of the allowed region of experimental value in 95% c.l., where Majorana CP phases should be in a certain parameter region. Type C can induce the suitably large amount of 0νββ decay which is consistent with the experimental data, where overall scale of degenerate neutrino mass plays a crucial role, and its large value can induce the large 0νββ decay in any parameter regions of Majorana CP phases.